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BDA Simple Code

Application Summary

BDA Simple Code is a library of over 150 action VB.Net objects that simplifies Business Rules, increases productivity, and reduces coding errors.

BDA Simple Code Overview

BDA Simple Code is a library of over 150 action VB.Net objects, methods, and properties that simplifies OneStream Business Rules, increases implementor productivity, and reduces coding errors. Complex and multipart object dereclarations and their required interrogations, configurations, and combinations are abstracted into simple objects and methods; BDA Simple Code makes OneStream Business Rules development better.

Setup and Installation

Class Declaration

The BDA Simple Code class must be referenced and then declared in any Business Rule that uses its functionality.


The BDA Simple Code class (with the exception of Formulas and Complex Expressions) must be referenced in each Business Rule that uses its objects, methods, and properties.

If BDA Simple Code is not needed in a rule, there is no need to reference or instantiate the class.

There are three references that differ by rule type:

1) Connectors: BR\BDA_DataFramework

2) Transformation Rule Conditional Expressions and Conditional Rules: BR\BDA_XRFramework

3) Everything else: BR\BDA_BRFramework

The below shows a Finance Business Rule's reference to BDA Simple Code:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Once referenced in the Business Rule Properties, the BDA Simple Code class must be instantiated to use its objects, methods, and properties.

In formulas, use this code to instantiate BDA Simple Code:

In all Business Rule types other than Data Source/Parser and Transformation/Conditional rules, use after the word "Try":

In Data Source/Parser Rules, use after the word "Try":

In Transformation/Conditional Rules, use after the word "Try":

Coding Primer

The BDA Simple Code at its core is a utility meant to simplify the coding process involved with writing OneStream Business Rules. However, as with any tool, a fundamental understanding of what exactly you are writing is necessary to use BDA Simple Code to its highest potential. This primer will hopefully serve as a jump off point to understanding this guide and its current implementations.

What is a Method / Function?

Simple Code takes complicated API calls, helper functions and collection manipulation algorithms and condenses them into a readily accessible format, often taking many lines of code and transforming them into single line calls---but how exactly does Simple Code do that? To understand this, we must first go over the definition of a Method / Function.


A Function is simply defined as a set of instructions that perform a task. For example, a function named getApple can, as you might imagine, get apples---these instructions might look something like:

Find Apple Tree à Shake Tree à Pick up Apple off of Ground à Return Home with Apple

These set of instructions are what is referred to as the algorithm of the function, the process by which a task is executed.

A Method on the other hand, is the same idea as a function but is attributed to a specific object. getApple in this instance is a Method for humans but would not make much sense as a Method for a potato since a potato cannot do the same things a human can.

To use BDA Simple Code we must instantiate the "human" object that is capable of performing these simplifying methods and that is exactly what we do here when we are setting up a rule to use BDA Simple Code:

The programmers in the audience may have noticed at this point that VB.Net and C# are referred to as object-oriented programming languages and thus do not have functions that exist outside of the context of an object. So, it is particularly confusing when function and method are used interchangeably in those contexts since that distinction technically does not exist in VB.Net and C#.

In the context of VB.Net and C# and to avoid being pedantic, in this document, they are one and the same. However, it is important to understand this nomenclature so as not to be confused by outside additional reading!

Functions and Overloads

In VB.Net a function signature follows this format:

Function FunctionName [(ParameterList)] As ReturnType

For example, a single signature for GetMember in Simple Code looks like this:

Labeling this signature by their respective regions:

Red is the FunctionName. This is the name that must be called to execute the function. In this case, the name is "GetMember".

Green is the ParameterList. This is the list of input parameters that must be sent in within parenthesis. In this case, GetMember accepts two parameters: the first being a dimNameOrAbbreviation as a String and the second being a memberName as a String.

Yellow is the Type of the object returned once the function is finished. In this case, you can expect this function to return a OneStream Member object.

*Please note, that if return type is not specified within the documentation, then the function does not return a value and instead simply executes a series of instructions with no output.

Some sample business rule that uses GetMember might look like this then:

With the function returning this value into the output variable:

However, consider the possibility that you do not have the memberName as a String off hand, perhaps you only have the memberId given to you---is this function no longer available to use? *This* is where BDA Simple Code shines through as we take full advantage of the concept of Overloads to simplify the code logic. Overloading a procedure is to define multiple functions with the same name but each definition accepts different parameters. Logically, the function GetMember or the concept of "retrieving a OneStream Member" is straight forward. Therefore, we can use overloads to create multiple GetMember functions that accept different parameter signatures but still all just retrieve a member at the end of the day.

Going back to the idea of only having memberId, it is possible then to use GetMember with the following definition instead:

A close up of a sign Description automatically
generated And here is another sample code block using that overload:

The concept of overloads are key to organizing functions by their purpose and BDA Simple Code uses this to provide as much flexibility as possible to the User.

With these key concepts out of the way, we can now go over how to read and use this Solution Guide.

How to Use / Read This Solution Guide

The solution guide is organized by purpose to group related functions together with a summary of how the functions are generally used within the context of OneStream. For example this group, "Metadata - Filter & query" is related to querying and filtering existing metadata objects within OneStream:

A function within this group looks like this example in Figure 1:

Figure 1. A sample entry within the Solution Guide.

Going through each labeled component:

  • A - The function name.
  • B - Summary of functions purpose.
  • C - How to call the function and a list of all available overloads.
  • D - Detailed look at single overload (ordered by appearance in list given by C).

  • E - Detailed information regarding each input parameter. If there are

  • additional notes regarding what these parameters mean, then those
  • notes will go here.

  • F - Example using specific function call.

  • G - Expected results from function.

Use this Solution Guide as reference whenever you have questions about how to use and implement BDA Simple Code functions to make your code cleaner, more readable and more maintainable!


The installation process for all BDA Solutions is the same: download the install zip file from Partner Place, import, and run the BDA_FW_Dashboard_Setup dashboard using the purchased product keys. The zip file contains all BDA Solutions; the keys unlock the purchased Solutions.

See the BDA Installation Solution Guide SV1.0.0 for more information.

BDA Simple Code Use Cases and Snippets

I. Calculations and Numbers

Use Cases

Random numbers are often required for test values during initial coding of a function.


Returns a random ds value between min and max with significant figures specified by decimalPlaces.

RandomDecimal with a decimalplaces property value of 0 is functionally the same as RandomInteger.

How To Use
RandomDecimal(Optional min As Decimal = 0, Optional max As Decimal = 100, Optional decimalPlaces As Integer = 4) As Decimal
# Parameters

min - Type Integer. Minimum range value. Default is 0.

max - Type Integer. Maximum range value. Default is 100.

decimalPlaces - Type Integer. Optional. Number of significant digits in output. Valid range of values from 0 to 28. Default is 4.

# Example

# Results


Returns a random Integer value between min and max.

RandomDecimal with a decimalplaces property value of 0 is functionally the same as RandomInteger.

How To Use
RandomInteger(Optional min As Integer = 0, Optional max As Integer = 100) As Integer
# Parameters

min - Type Integer. Default is 0.

max - Type Integer. Default is 100.

# Example


II. Cell Detail

Use Cases

Cell Detail allows "below the line" data entry.

Cell Detail exists - as the name suggests - on a cell-by-cell basis. Querying, editing, adding, and deleting Cell Detail must be done through a Cube View or Quick View. Programmatic access is simplified through the ClearCellDetail, CopyCellDetail, GetCellDetailReadout, GetCellDetail, AddCellDetail methods.

For this section's examples, a sample single cell's Cell Detail is given as follows:\ A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Clear out a single cell's Cell Detail - all Cell Detail rows for that cell are cleared.

How To Use
ClearCellDetail(script As String)
ClearCellDetail(msb As MemberScriptBuilder)
ClearCellDetail(script As String)
# Parameters

script - Type formatted Member Script String.

# Example

A close-up of a computer code Description automatically

# Results


A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated Becomes:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

ClearCellDetail(msb As MemberScriptBuilder)
# Parameters

msb - Type MemberScriptBuilder.

# Example

A close-up of a computer code Description automatically
generatedDescription automatically generated](media/image16.png)

# Results


A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated Becomes:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Copy Cell Detail from one tuple to another.

CopyCellDetail supports either a String Member Script/tuple or a MemberScript object.

How To Use
CopyCellDetail(source As Object, target As Object)
# Parameters

source - Type formatted Member Script String or MemberScript.

target - Type formatted Member Script String or MemberScript.

# Example

# Results

Before the copy:

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically
generated After the copy:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


In list form, get the Line Item property values.

When Classification is set to Not Used (the default), GetCellDetail returns "0 (Default)".

How To Use

GetCellDetail(script As String) As List(Of LineItem)

GetCellDetail(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As List(Of LineItem)

GetCellDetail(script As String) As List(Of LineItem)
# Parameters

script - Type formatted Member Script String.

# Example

A close-up of a computer code Description automatically

# Results

GetCellDetail(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As List(Of LineItem)
# Parameters

msb - Type MemberScriptBuilder.


Return a formatted String of Line Item operator, value, and description.

How To Use

GetCellDetailReadout(script As String) As String

GetCellDetailReadout(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As String

GetCellDetailReadout(script As String) As String
# Parameters

script - Type formatted Member Script String.

# Example

# Results

GetCellDetailReadout(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As String
# Parameters

msb - Type MemberScriptBuilder.

III. Conditional Logic

Use Cases

While testing data values can of course be accomplished within native .Net code, tests can take multiple lines of code; less code begets better productivity; these common use cases are one-line methods.


Returns a Boolean true if all elements in a comma delimited list are blank, or else false.

How To Use
AllBlank(Of T)(ParamArray collectionValues As T()) As Boolean
# Parameters

collectionValues - Type T(). This accepts an arbitrary number of input parameters. Only parameters of type String are valid.

# Example

# Results

The output below is depicted in descending chronological order.

A white rectangular object with blue lines Description automatically


Returns a Boolean true if all tests in a comma delimited list are false, or else false.

How To Use
AllFalse(ParamArray collectionValues As Boolean()) As Boolean
# Parameters

collectionValues - Type Boolean(). This accepts an arbitrary number of input parameters. Only parameters which evaluate as a Boolean expression are valid.

# Example

# Results


Returns a Boolean True if all tests in a comma delimited list are true, or else False.

How To Use
AllTrue(ParamArray collectionValues As Boolean()) As Boolean
# Parameters

collectionValues - Type Boolean(). This accepts an arbitrary number of input parameters. Only parameters which evaluate as a Boolean expression are valid.

# Example

A close up of words Description automatically

# Results

The output below is depicted in descending chronological order.

A blue line on a white background Description automatically

Between and Between Inclusive

Returns a Boolean true if a number is between two other numbers. By default, this test does not include the lower and upper bounds.

How To Use
Between(value As Decimal, lower As Decimal, upper As Decimal, Optional inclusive As Boolean = False) As Boolean
# Parameters

value - Type Decimal. Input value to check against lower and upper bounds.

lower - Type Decimal. Lower bound of comparison.

upper - Type Decimal. Upper bound of comparison.

inclusive - Type Boolean. Include lower and upper bounds in comparison. Default is False.

# Example

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Tests a string against a comma-delimited list of other strings.

How To Use
ContainsAny(Of T)(value As T, ignoreCase As Boolean, ParamArray collectionValues As T()) As Boolean
# Parameters

value - Type T. Accept any generic Type as value. Note that this Type must be convertible into a String.

ignoreCase - Type Boolean. Enable/Disable case-sensitive comparison. Default is False.

collectionValues - Type T(). This accepts an arbitrary number of input parameters. Only parameters of type that are convertible into String are valid.

# Example

# Results

The output below is depicted in descending chronological order.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Tests the first parameter value for the value 0; if met, return the second numeric parameter value.

How To Use
IfZeroThenUse(val1 As Decimal, val2 As Decimal) As Decimal
# Parameters

val1 - Type Decimal.

val2 - Type Decimal.

# Example

# Results


Tests an initial value - numeric or string - against a comma-delimited list of values of n length and returns a Boolean result.

How To Use
[In](Of T)(value As T, ParamArray collectionValues As T()) As Boolean
# Parameters

value - Type T. This value must be of compatible type with collectionValues parameter.

collectionValues - Type T(). This value must be of compatible type with value parameter.

# Example

# Results

The output below is depicted in descending chronological order.

IV. Currency

Use Cases

In addition to assigning or retrieving currency properties and/or values through OneStream's UI, there may also be instances where work with FX rate properties/values may need to be done programmatically.


Assigns defined FX rates to a specified Cube. As an example, an fx rate may need to be assigned as part of an accounting close.

If the Boolean parameter isRevenueExpenseType is True, the named rate is assigned to the Rate Type For Revenues and Expenses.

If the Boolean parameter isRevenueExpenseType is False, the named rate is assigned to the Rate Type For Assets and Liabilities.

How To Use
AssignFxRateToCube(currencyType As String, cubeName As String, Optional isRevExp As Boolean = True)
AssignFxRateToCube(currencyType As String, cubeId As Integer, Optional isRevExp As Boolean = True)
AssignFxRateToCube(currencyType As String, cubeName As String, Optional isRevExp As Boolean = True)** |
# Parameters

currencyType - Type String.

cubeName - Type String.

isRevExp - Type Boolean. Default is True.

# Example

A close up of a sign Description automatically

# Results

Assuming the Cube is Capex and that the Rate Type is Revenues and Expenses:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated OpeningRate is assigned to the Revenue and Expenses Rate Type.

A close-up of a list Description automatically

AssignFxRateToCube(currencyType As String, cubeId As Integer, Optional isRevExp As Boolean = True)
# Parameters

currencyType - Type String.

cubeId - Type Integer.

isRevExp - Type Boolean. Default is True.



Retrieves a destination FX rate based on Time, Scenario, or Cube. The function will determine the implicit rate based on Workflow; additional optional parameters increase granularity.

The isRevenueOrExpenseType Boolean parameter can be replaced by a String Account name.

  • The overload parameters Time, Scenario, and Cube explicitly assigns those values, ignoring Workflow. Not all parameters need be assigned.

  • If providing Time, Scenario, or Cube to the function, use either IDs or names.

How To Use

By Time:

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, IsRevExp As Boolean, timeName As String, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, IsRevExp As Boolean, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777)

By Account and Time:

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, accountName As String, timeName As String, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, accountId As Integer, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777)

By Currency Type and Time:

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, currencyType As String, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777, Optional destCurrencyName As String = \"\") As Decimal

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, currencyType As String, timeName As String, Optional destCurrencyName As String = \"\") As Decimal

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, IsRevExp As Boolean, timeName As String, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal
# Parameters

sourceCurrencyName - Type String.

IsRevExp - Type Boolean.

timeName - Type String.

scenarioName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

# Example

A close up of words Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated "A screen shot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, IsRevExp As Boolean, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777)
# Parameters

sourceCurrencyName - Type String.

IsRevExp - Type Boolean.

timeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, accountName As String, timeName As String, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal
# Parameters

sourceCurrencyName - Type String.

accountName - Type String.

timeName - Type String.

scenarioName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, accountId As Integer, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777)
# Parameters

sourceCurrencyName - Type String.

accountId - Type Integer.

timeId - Type Integer.

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, currencyType As String, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777, Optional destCurrencyName As String = \"\") As Decimal
# Parameters

sourceCurrencyName - Type String.

currencyType - Type String.

timeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

destCurrencyName - Type String. Optional. Default uses default currency assigned to cubeId.

GetFxRate(sourceCurrencyName As String, currencyType As String, timeName As String, Optional destCurrencyName As String = \"\") As Decimal
# Parameters

sourceCurrencyName - Type String.

currencyType - Type String.

timeName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

destCurrencyName - Type String. Optional. Default uses default currency assigned to cubeId.



Converts an amount to the default currency on the Cube (taking into consideration Time and Scenario) from the currently set Workflow POV by providing an Entity or currency within the application or manually by specifying Time, Scenario, and Cube.

The overload parameters Time, Scenario, and Cube explicitly assigns those values, ignoring Workflow. Not all parameters need be assigned.

If providing Time, Scenario, or Cube to the function, use either IDs or names.

How To Use

LocalToReporting(amount As Decimal, inputEntity As String, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeName As String = \"\", Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal

LocalToReporting(amount As Decimal, inputEntityId As Integer, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777) As Decimal

LocalToReporting(amount As Decimal, inputEntity As String, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeName As String = \"\", Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal
# Parameters

amount - Type Decimal.

inputEntity - Type String.

IsRevExp - Type Boolean. Optional. Flag as Revenue Expense. Default is True.

timeName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

scenarioName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

LocalToReporting(amount As Decimal, inputEntityId As Integer, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777) As Decimal
# Parameters

amount - Type Decimal.

inputEntityId - Type Integer.

IsRevExp - Type Boolean. Optional. Flag as Revenue Expense. Default is True.

timeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.



Converts an amount based on an entity's reporting currency and the default reporting currency on the currently selected Cube (taking into consideration Time and Scenario) on the Workflow POV or by manually specifying time, Scenario, and Cube.

The overload parameters Time, Scenario, and Cube explicitly assigns those values, ignoring Workflow. Not all parameters need be assigned.

If providing Time, Scenario, or Cube to the function, use either IDs or names.

How To Use

ReportingToLocal(amount As Decimal, outputEntity As String, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeName As String = \"\", Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal

ReportingToLocal(amount As Decimal, outputEntityId As Integer, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777) As Decimal

ReportingToLocal(amount As Decimal, outputEntity As String, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeName As String = \"\", Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal
# Parameters

amount - Type Decimal.

outputEntity - Type String.

IsRevExp - Type Boolean. Optional. Flag as Revenue Expense. Default is True.

timeName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

scenarioName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

ReportingToLocal(amount As Decimal, outputEntityId As Integer, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777) As Decimal
# Parameters

amount - Type Decimal.

outputEntityId - Type Integer.

IsRevExp - Type Boolean. Optional. Flag as Revenue Expense. Default is True.

timeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.



Converts an amount manually by providing both source and destination Entities, taking into consideration the currently selected Workflow POV. Time, Scenario, and Cube may also be manually set.

If providing Time, Scenario, or Cube to the function, use either IDs or names.

How To Use
Triangulate(amount As Decimal, inputEntity As String, outputEntity As String, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeName As String = \"\", Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal
Triangulate(amount As Decimal, inputEntityId As Integer, outputEntityId As Integer, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777) As Decimal
Triangulate(amount As Decimal, inputEntity As String, outputEntity As String, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeName As String = \"\", Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\") As Decimal** |
# Parameters

amount - Type Decimal.

inputEntity - Type String.

outputEntity - Type String.

IsRevExp - Type Boolean. Optional. Flag as Revenue Expense. Default is True.

timeName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

scenarioName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

# Example

A close up of words Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

Triangulate(amount As Decimal, inputEntityId As Integer, outputEntityId As Integer, Optional IsRevExp As Boolean = True, Optional timeId As Integer = -777, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777, Optional cubeId As Integer = -777) As Decimal
# Parameters

amount - Type Decimal.

inputEntityId - Type Integer.

outputEntityId - Type Integer.

IsRevExp - Type Boolean. Optional. Flag as Revenue Expense. Default is True.

timeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

cubeId - Type Integer. Optional. Default uses current workflow POV.

V. Data

Use Cases

Manipulation of Cube-related data is one of the most common tasks within Business Rules. The collection of methods in this section enables simple execution of data-oriented tasks within OneStream.

BDA Simple Example data methods address: Data Buffers, Annotations, and Member Script And Value techniques.


Creates an empty Data Buffer in two ways: either a truly empty Data Buffer with no initial address or with an initial address through a Member Filter script.

If no Member filter script is provided, it will create an empty Data Buffer object.

Data Buffers exist within a Data Unit and cannot write outside of them (CreateEmptyDataBuffer is a precursor to writing Data Buffer); there is no need to define Cube, Entity, Scenario, Time, or Cons within the initial address.

How To Use
CreateEmptyDataBuffer(script As String) As DataBuffer
CreateEmptyDataBuffer(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As DataBuffer
CreateEmptyDataBufferLike(createLikeBuffer As DataBuffer) As DataBuffer
CreateEmptyDataBuffer(script As String) As DataBuffer
# Parameters

script - Type formatted Member Script String.

# Example

A black text on a white background Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically

CreateEmptyDataBuffer(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As DataBuffer
# Parameters

msb - Type MemberScriptBuilder.

CreateEmptyDataBufferLike(createLikeBuffer As DataBuffer) As DataBuffer
# Parameters

createLikeBuffer - Type DataBuffer.



Creates an empty Data Buffer with the same characteristics as the source Data Buffer parameter.

How To Use
CreateEmptyDataBufferLike(createLikeBuffer As DataBuffer) As DataBuffer
# Parameters

createLikeBuffer - Type DataBuffer.

# Example

A close up of words Description automatically

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically


Saves the Data Buffer to the target Data Buffer and constant script method properties.

The constant script must be base level Members that differ from the source Data Buffer's, e.g., if the source Data Buffer is based on O##Top, the constant script would contain O##Forms.

If a full Member Script is provided, then only View may need to be put in as the constant script (i.e., V##Periodic).

Use the optional isDurable property to force the data as durable if not already so configured in the Scenario settings.

How To Use
SaveDataBuffer(ByRef outputDataBuffer As DataBuffer, constantScript As String, Optional isDurable As Boolean = False)
# Parameters

outputDataBuffer - Type DataBuffer.

constantScript - Type String.

isDurable - Type Boolean. Optional. Default is False.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screen shot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results


Within the target Data Buffer, assign a data value to the current cell to populate that target Data Buffer.

How To Use
SetDataBufferCell(ByRef destinationDataBuffer As DataBuffer, destinationCell As DataBufferCell, value As Decimal)
# Parameters

destinationDataBuffer - Type DataBuffer.

destinationCell - Type DataBufferCell.

value - Type Decimal.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screen shot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results


Clears data for a single data point (one combination of all 18 Dimensions).


  • ClearData can write outside of the current Data Unit.

  • All dimensions bar Parent must be defined either implicitly or explicitly.

  • The current Data Unit Members are assumed but can be explicitly overwritten.

  • Supports a Member Script, Member Script object, or DataCellPk.

  • An override parameter, overrideScript, can be used to vary Member tuple dimensionality.

  • The third parameter is an overload Boolean to preserve input data in O##Forms.

How To Use
ClearData(script As String, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\", Optional keepOverride As Boolean = False)
ClearData(inputmsb As MemberScriptBuilder, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\", Optional keepOverride As Boolean = False)
ClearData(dataCellPk As DataCellPk, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\")
ClearData(script As String, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\", Optional keepOverride As Boolean = False) As Decimal
# Parameters

script - Type formatted Member Script String.

scriptOverride - Type formatted Member Script String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.

keepOverride - Type Boolean. Optional. Preserve override data.

# Example

A close up of a number Description automatically

# Results

ClearData(inputmsb As MemberScriptBuilder, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\", Optional keepOverride As Boolean = False) As Boolean
# Parameters

inputmsb - Type MemberScriptBuilder.

scriptOverride - Type formatted Member Script String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.

keepOverride - Type Boolean. Optional. Preserve override data.

ClearData(dataCellPk As DataCellPk, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\")
# Parameters

inputmsb - Type DataCellPk.

scriptOverride - Type formatted Member Script String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.

keepOverride - Type Boolean. Optional. Preserve override data.



Retrieve a single data cell at a specified data intersection.


  • GetData can retrieve data outside of the current Data Unit.

  • All dimensions bar Parent must be defined either implicitly or explicitly.

  • The current Data Unit Members are assumed but can be explicitly overwritten.

  • Supports a Member Script, Member Script object, or DataCellPk.

  • An override parameter, overrideScript, can be used to vary Member tuple dimensionality.

How To Use
GetData(script As String, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\") As Decimal
GetData(msb As MemberScriptBuilder, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\") As Decimal
GetData(dataCellPk As DataCellPk, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\") As Decimal
GetData(script As String, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\") As Decimal
# Parameters

script - Type formatted Member Script String.

scriptOverride - Type formatted Member Script String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.

# Example

Description automatically generated](media/image68.png)

# Results

GetData(msb As MemberScriptBuilder, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\") As Decimal
# Parameters

MemberScriptBuilder - Type MemberScriptBuilder.

scriptOverride - Type formatted Member Script String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.

GetData(dataCellPk As DataCellPk, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\")
# Parameters

dataCellPk - Type DataCellPk.

scriptOverride - Type formatted Member Script String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.



Set a single annotation at a specified data intersection.

An optional second parameter can also be addded to override the script/PK in the second parameter (useful if you have a base intersection address and want to loop through and just deal with one or two extra members)

How To Use
GetAnnotation(script As String) As String
GetAnnotation(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As String
GetAnnotation(baseScript As String, Optional overrideScript As String = \"\") As String
GetAnnotation(script As String) As String
# Parameters

script -Type formatted Member Script String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results

GetAnnotation(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As String
# Parameters

msb - Type MemberScriptBuilder.

GetAnnotation(baseScript As String, Optional overrideScript As String = \"\") As String
# Parameters

baseScript -Type formatted Member Script String.

overrideScript - Type String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.


Set a single annotation at a specified data intersection.


  • All dimensions bar Parent must be defined either implicitly or explicitly.

  • The current Data Unit Members are assumed but can be explicitly overwritten.

  • Supports a Member Script, Member Script object, or DataCellPk.

  • An override parameter, overrideScript, can be used to vary Member tuple dimensionality.

  • SetAnnotation is a call to OneStream's annotation table, using a Cube's dimensionality as a key; it is not a Cube write operation. Relational writes can be expensive; exercise caution when using.

How To Use
SetAnnotation(text As String, script As String, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\") As Decimal
SetAnnotation(text As String, tgtmsb As MemberScriptBuilder, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\") As Boolean
SetAnnotation(text As String, dataCellPk As DataCellPk, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\")
SetAnnotation(text As String, script As String, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\") As Decimal
# Parameters

text - Type String. Annotation text.

script -Type formatted Member Script String.

scriptOverride - Type String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.

# Example

A close-up of a computer code Description automatically

# Results

SetAnnotation(text As String, tgtmsb As MemberScriptBuilder, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\") As Boolean

text - Type String. Annotation text.

tgtmsb -Type MemberScriptBuilder.

scriptOverride - Type String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.

SetAnnotation(text As String, dataCellPk As DataCellPk, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\")

text - Type String. Annotation text.

dataCellPk - Type DataCellPk.

scriptOverride - Type String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.



Set data for a single cell in O##Forms only usingscript as a String, MemberScriptBuilder, or DataCellPk.

SetData can write within - or outside - of the context of the currently executing Data Unit. It is an amalgamation of the MemberScriptAndValue objects and techniques in a single code line.

Note that each execution of SetData performs a MemberScriptAndValue commit, potentially incurring a performance cost when done in large numbers.

The result of SetData is not a calculated value but is instead treated as an Input Storage Type; as such, api.Data.ClearCalculatedData will not clear values created by SetData.

In general, this should not be used excessively as it will run through individual cells instead of using something like a Data Buffer.

How To Use
SetData(value As Decimal, script As String, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\", Optional keepOverride As Boolean = False) As Decimal
SetData(value As Decimal, inputmsb As MemberScriptBuilder, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\", Optional keepOverride As Boolean = False) As Boolean
SetData(value As Decimal , dataCellPk As DataCellPk, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\")
SetData(value As Decimal, script As String, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\", Optional keepOverride As Boolean = False) As Decimal
# Parameters

value - Type Decimal.

script -Type formatted Member Script String.

scriptOverride - Type String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.

keepOverride - Type Boolean. Optional. Preserve override data.

# Example

A close up of a code Description automatically

# Results

SetData(value As Decimal, inputmsb As MemberScriptBuilder, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\", Optional keepOverride As Boolean = False) As Boolean
# Parameters

value - Type Decimal.

inputmsb -Type MemberScriptBuilder.

scriptOverride - Type String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.

keepOverride - Type Boolean. Optional. Preserve override data.

SetData(value As Decimal, dataCellPk As DataCellPk, Optional scriptOverride As String = \"\")
# Parameters

value - Type Decimal.

dataCellPk - Type DataCellPk.

scriptOverride - Type String. Optional. If left blank, does not apply script override.


VI. Files and Data Loads

Use Cases

File manipulation is a common component of OneStream implementations.


Copies a file from the application File Explorer folder to the currently executing user's Data Management folder, e.g., /Documents/Users/username/ExportTest.txt to C:\OneStream\FileShare\Applications\AVBS\Data Management\Export\username\ExportTest.txt.

How To Use
CopyAppFileToFileSystem(inputPath As String, Optional outputPath As String = \"\") As String
# Parameters

inputPath - Type String.

outputPath - Type String. Optional. Defaults to C:\OneStream\FileShare\Applications\AVBS\Data Management Export\username\ directory.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated Results


Exports a MSSQL table to the currently logged in users' export folder on file share.

How To Use
CopyAppFileToFileSystem(inputPath As String, Optional outputPath As String = \"\") As String
# Parameters

inputPath - Type String.

outputPath - Type String. Optional. Defaults to C:\OneStream\FileShare\Applications\AVBS\Data Management Export\username\ directory.

# Example

\'Run a query and save the results to the Data Management Export folder

\'Will save to the file system under /Applications/\<appName>/DataManagement/Export

bda.ExportRelationalTableToDataManagementFolderAsCSV(\"select * from Member\", \"\", \"myfile.csv\")

\'Will save to the file system under /Applications/\<appName>/DataManagement/Export/SampleExportFolder

bda.ExportRelationalTableToDataManagementFolderAsCSV(\"select * from Member\", \"SampleExportFolder\", \"myfile.csv\")


Removes the unique ID after loading an import file to stage through a base input Workflow profile.

This is particularly useful for parser rules to strip the unique ID on an import file.

How To Use
FilenameWithoutUniqueID(Optional filename = \"\")
# Parameters

filename - Type String. Defaults to current working filename in api.Parser.Transformer.FileInfo.

# Example

\' Generally used in the SourceID file of a data source

\' Change the data sourceID field to use to a complex expression and include these two lines:

Dim bda As New OneStream.BusinessRule.Parser.BDA_DataFramework.MainClass(si, globals, api)

Return bda.FilenameWithoutUniqueID

\'This can also be used with a specified filename

Dim uniqueName = bda.FilenameWithoutUniqueID(\"TestSource_XFe88bd2c9b15e4d0b84fe57c8d94c5e1a.txt\")   \'will return TestSource.txt

VII. Forecasting (Only works with BDA Accordion)

Use Cases

BDA Accordion is a toolkit for building planning applications via prebuilt spread methods, Column Sets, Dashboards, and Business Rules.

BDA Accordion Solution is both a formal product - abstracted customizable code algorithms and prebuilt dashboard snap-together components within a graphical user interface that customizes dashboard contents, layout, and functionality in a reuse framework - as well as a methodology that applies this functionality to OneStream applications.

The methods below presuppose its usage. For more information, see the BDA Accordion Solution Guide (requires purchase).


Returns the annual assumption year and period (always M12) that contains assumptions for the full year.


  • This example illustrates a Workflow year of 2011.

  • When no Time Member is passed to the method, the current Workflow year is used and M12 is appended.

  • If a year is explicitly passed, it is used and M12 is appended. If a year is passed with a month, the month is ignored and M12 is returned.

How To Use
GetAssumptionPeriodAnnual(Optional timeName As String = \"\") As String
# Parameters

timeName - Type String. Optional. If a timename with period is supplied, this function will set the period to the end of the year. E.g. GetAssumptionPeriodAnnual("2011M3") will return 2011M12.

# Example

# Results

This result assumes the Workflow year is 2011.

VIII. BDA Scenario Manager and Accordion

Use Cases

The Actual, Forecast, Budget, and LRP years and periods are driven through the BDA Scenario Manager dashboard to change Working (typically, but can be specified otherwise) Scenarios' Text1 through Text7.

From these settings the range and purpose of Accordion's display and calculation behavior are determined.

For full functionality, see the BDA Scenario Manager (requires purchase) and BDA Accordion Solution Guides (requires purchase).

For the purposes of code illustration, assume the below selections in Scenario Manager.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated This translates to the following settings in the Working Scenario's Text settings:

A screenshot of a computer screen Description automatically
generated These values drive the examples and the BDA Accordion's Scenario and Time functionality.


Returns the first Forecast period as an Integer Time ID.


  • By default, uses the Workflow's Scenario.

  • Custom Scenario names can be passed to the function.

How To Use
GetFirstFcstPeriodId(scenarioName As String) As Integer
GetFirstFcstPeriodId(Optional scenarioId = -777)
GetFirstFcstPeriodId(scenarioName As String) As Integer
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

GetFirstFcstPeriodId(Optional scenarioId = -777)
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results


Returns the first Forecast period name as a String.


  • By default, uses the Workflow's Scenario.

  • Custom Scenario names can be passed to the function.

How To Use
GetFirstFcstPeriodName(scenarioName As String) As String
GetFirstFcstPeriodName(Optional scenarioId = -777) As String
GetFirstFcstPeriodName(scenarioName As String) As String
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

GetFirstFcstPeriodName(Optional scenarioId = -777) As String
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results


Returns first Forecast period name as a Member Script.


  • By default, uses the Workflow's Scenario.

  • Custom Scenario names can be passed to the function.

How To Use
GetFirstFcstPeriodScript(scenarioName As String) As String
GetFirstFcstPeriodScript(Optional scenarioId = -777) As String
GetFirstFcstPeriodScript(scenarioName As String) As String
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# GetFirstFcstPeriodScript(Optional scenarioId = -777) As String
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results


Returns the first Forecast period as an Integer.


  • By default, uses the Workflow's Scenario.

  • Custom Scenario names can be passed to the function.

How To Use
GetFirstFcstPeriodNumber(scenarioName As String) As Integer
GetFirstFcstPeriodNumber(Optional scenarioId = -777) As Integer
GetFirstFcstPeriodNumber(scenarioName As String) As Integer
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

GetFirstFcstPeriodNumber(Optional scenarioId = -777) As Integer
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results


Returns the last Actual period as a Time ID.


  • By default, uses the Workflow's Scenario.

  • Custom Scenario names can be passed to the function.

How To Use
GetLastActPeriodId(scenarioName As String) As Integer
GetLastActPeriodId(Optional scenarioId = -777)
GetLastActPeriodId(scenarioName As String) As Integer
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a code Description automatically

# Results

GetLastActPeriodId(Optional scenarioId = -777)
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results


Returns the last Actual period name as a String.


  • By default, uses the Workflow's Scenario.

  • Custom Scenario names can be passed to the function.

How To Use
GetLastActPeriodName(scenarioName As String) As Integer
GetLastActPeriodName(Optional scenarioId = -777)
GetLastActPeriodName(scenarioName As String) As Integer
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results

GetLastActPeriodName(Optional scenarioId = -777)
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results


Returns last Actual period name as a Member Script.


  • By default, uses the Workflow's Scenario.

  • Custom Scenario names can be passed to the function.

How To Use
GetLastActPeriodScript(scenarioName As String) As String
GetLastActPeriodScript(Optional scenarioId = -777)
GetLastActPeriodScript(scenarioName As String) As String
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results

GetLastActPeriodScript(Optional scenarioId = -777)
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results


Returns the number of LRP periods based on the setting on

  • Param_config_BDA_FW_LRP_Granularity

  • Param_config_BDA_FW_LRP_Granularity

  • Param_default_BDA_FW_LRP_Granularity

Valid values for this configuration are as follows:

- Y ("Yearly") returns 1

- Q ("Quarterly") returns 4

- M ("Monthly") returns 12

If value is populated with valid I nteger, then that Integer is returned instead.

How To Use
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Returns the number of LRP years based on the setting in Param_config_BDA_FW_LRP_Years.

How To Use
# Example

# Results


Returns the prior planning year.


  • By default, uses the Workflow's Scenario.

  • Custom Scenario names can be passed to the function.

How To Use
GetPlanningPriorYear(scenarioName As String)
GetPlanningPriorYear(scenarioId As Integer)
# Example

A computer screen shot of text Description automatically

# Results

GetPlanningPriorYear(scenarioName As String)
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

A computer screen shot of text Description automatically

# Results

GetPlanningPriorYear(scenarioId As Integer)
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

A computer screen shot of text Description automatically

# Results


Returns the budget planning year (also known as NY - Next Year) as an Integer.

How To Use
GetPlanningBudgetYear(scenarioName As String)
GetPlanningBudgetYear(scenarioId As Integer)
# Example

# Results

GetPlanningBudgetYear(scenarioName As String)
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results

GetPlanningBudgetYear(scenarioId As Integer)
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results


Returns the forecast year as an integer.

How To Use
GetPlanningForecastYear(scenarioName As String)
GetPlanningForecastYear(scenarioId As Integer)
# Example

# Results

GetPlanningForecastYear(scenarioName As String)
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

A white background with black text Description automatically

# Results

GetPlanningForecastYear(scenarioId As Integer)
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results


Returns the starting Long Range Plan (LRP is two years on from the current forecast, sometimes referred to as NY+1) year.

How To Use
GetPlanningLRPYear(scenarioName As String)
GetPlanningLRPYear(scenarioId As Integer)
# Example

# Results

GetPlanningLRPYear(scenarioName As String)
# Parameters

scenarioName - Type String. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

A computer screen shot of text Description automatically

# Results

GetPlanningLRPYear(scenarioId As Integer)
# Parameters

scenarioId - Type Integer. Defaults to current workflow Scenario.

# Example

# Results


Determines whether a period is an Actual period.

For following examples, Workflow POV is as follows:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

How To Use

isActualPeriod() As Boolean

isActualPeriod(timeName As String) As Boolean

isActualPeriod(timeId As Integer, scenarioName As String) As Boolean

isActualPeriod(timeId As Integer, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777) As Boolean

isActualPeriod(timeName As String, scenarioId As Integer) As Boolean

isActualPeriod() As Boolean
# Example

# Results

isActualPeriod(timeName As String) As Boolean
# Parameters
  • timeName - Type String.
# Example

# Results

isActualPeriod(timeId As Integer, scenarioName As String) As Boolean
# Parameters
  • timeId - Type Integer.

  • scenarioName - Type String.

# Example

A computer code with black text Description automatically

# Results

isActualPeriod(timeId As Integer, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777) As Boolean
# Parameters
  • timeId - Type Integer.

  • scenarioId - Type Integer.

# Example

# Results

isActualPeriod(timeName As String, scenarioId As Integer) As Boolean
# Parameters
  • timeName - Type String.
  • scenarioId - Type Integer.
# Example

# Results


Determines whether the Time and Scenario combination are within the forecast period range.

For the following examples, Workflow POV is as follows:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

How To Use
isFcstPeriod() As Boolean
isFcstPeriod(timeName As String, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\") As Boolean
isFcstPeriod(timeId As Integer, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\") As Boolean
isFcstPeriod(timeId As Integer, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777) As Boolean
isFcstPeriod(timeName As String, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777) As Boolean
isFcstPeriod() As Boolean
# Example

A computer screen shot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

isFcstPeriod(timeName As String, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\") As Boolean
# Parameters
  • timeName - Type String.

  • scenarioName - Type String.

# Example

A computer screen shot of text Description automatically

# Results

isFcstPeriod(timeId As Integer, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\") As Boolean
# Parameters
  • timeId - Type Integer.

  • scenarioName - Type String.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results

isFcstPeriod(timeId As Integer, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777) As Boolean
# Parameters
  • timeId - Type Integer.

  • scenarioId - Type Integer.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results

isFcstPeriod(timeName As String, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -777) As Boolean
# Parameters
  • timeName - Type String.

  • scenarioId - Type Integer.

# Example

# Results

IX. Logging & Debugging

Use Cases

Writing messages, either informational or as part of an active debugging activity to the OneStream Error Log is common practice.

Included in Simple Code are three methods that write to Error Log: Msg, Debug, and Ex.

Note that Error Log writes are expensive and can rapidly balloon storage requirements. Exercise care when logging and frequently clear your Error Log entries. Also, see the below sections on DebugUser and DebugShow for additional logging control.

IX. Part A - Logging Methods

The methods in this section can output messages to the error log and display their contents to the Error Log. See Additional Notes for full list of compatible objects with this feature.


Msg should be used to pipe information to the Error Log as required. It produces a tab-delimited list of values, using a comma delimited list.

How To Use
Msg(ParamArray messages As Object())
# Parameters
  • messages - Type any Object. Takes an arbitrary number of
  • comma-separated input parameters.
# Example

# Results


MsgLine concatenates a comma-delimited list of strings into a combined tab-delimited text string.

How To Use
MsgLine(ParamArray messages As Object()) As String
# Parameters
  • messages - Type any Object. Takes an arbitrary number of
  • comma-separated input parameters.
# Example

# Results


Debug can be used to trap errors during development. Like Msg, a comma-delimited list of properties writes output to the Error Log, although in a carriage return-delimited form.

It is superior to Msg because it breaks each logged element into its own error line, thus producing an easier-to-read log message when the item count is high, can be limited to a single username through DebugUser (the developer's Debug messages are output; other users' execution does not trigger a write), or even be turned off completely with DebugShow.

How To Use
Debug(ParamArray messages As Object())
# Parameters
  • messages - Type any Object. Takes an arbitrary number of
  • comma-separated input parameters.
# Examples
Debug with l
# Example 1

Note that bda.Debug is on line 35.

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

Debug with DebugUser
# Example 2

A white background with black and red text Description automatically

# Results

Will show nothing but will print if DebugUser is set to "Administrator".

Debug with Show
# Example 3

A group of text on a white background Description automatically

# Results

Will show all debug lines if DebugShow is set to True, otherwise it will not print to the log.


Ex throws a OneStream exception, completely stopping code execution of the relevant Business Rule with a message.

Ex requires Finance Business Rules to be executed through a Data Management step or the statement's logging information will not be written although a "Background Task Failed" message will show in the Error Log.

How To Use
Ex(ParamArray messages As Object())
# Parameters
  • messages - Type any Object. Takes an arbitrary number of
  • comma-separated input parameters.
# Example

A white background with multicolored text Description automatically

# Results

Immediate dialog box from Extensibility Rule:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Error Log:

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically

IX. Part B - Debug Methods

l.## |

Within a log message, l## ("l" is the first letter in "line") writes the code line as part of the output for all error log methods. Use this quickly jump to a code line, especially when multiple Debug statements are used.

How To Use
# Example

A white background with multicolored text Description automatically

# Results

Immediate dialog box from Extensibility Rule:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated Error Log:

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically


Example that is developed on one release and then migrated to another may fail due to functionality differences across releases, e.g., development on the very latest release and production on an older one.

How To Use

Assuming current version is OS version is 6.3.0.:

GetOSVersion() returns a Decimal number 6.3

GetOSVersionMajor() returns an Integer of 6

GetOSVersionMinor() returns an Integer of 3

GetOSVersionRevision() returns an Integer of 0


Finding specific bottlenecks in code often requires logging elapsed time within code blocks; this is particularly true in the case of complex functions. The Stopwatch methods allow the start, stop, and display of elapsed time in code.

StopwatchStart begins the clock, StopwatchStop ends it, and StopwatchGetTime reveals the elapsed time between those two statements.

How To Use
# Example

A screen shot of a computer program Description automatically

# Results

Note that the time is slightly longer than four seconds: this is the true execution time between the stopwatch start and stop, not the Sleep method's wait time.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Checkpoint acts as a lap timer, i.e., it starts and stops the stopwatch timer and logs the output to the Error Log on each Checkpoint method invocation.

While the same functionality could be duplicated using Stopwatch (Start, Stop, and GetTime) and Debug, Checkpoint is a single line method.

How To Use
# Example

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

IX. Part C - Additional Notes

The following list of object types are capable of having their contents displayed in Error Log:












Valid datatypes within datarow values:







Valid datatypes within datarow values:































In the case that an object's content cannot be output as plain text into the Error Log, logging methods will instead output the object's type to the Error Log.

X. Metadata

Use Cases

Changing source data and metadata creates a need for dimensional maintenance in OneStream via scheduled or administrator-initiated Business Rules because absent dynamic metadata management, OneStream applications can suffer poor data quality and require heavy manual administrator effort.

Note that adding and removing Dimensions should be done with great care given their direct impact.

X. Part A - Metadata - Dimensions


Add a new Dimension to the OS application by providing a parent Dimension as a String. In addition to naming the Dimension, the description, access group name, and the maintenance group name can also be modified.

How To Use
AddDim(dimName As String, parentDimName As String, Optional description As String = \"\", Optional accessGroupName As String = \"Everyone\", Optional maintenanceGroupName As String = \"Administrators\") As [Dim]
# Parameters

dimName - Type String.

parentDimName - Type String.

description - Type String.

accessGroupName - Type String.

maintenanceGroupName - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# A close up of a text Description automatically generated

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Functionally the same as AddDim, but if the Dimension exists, it will update its properties.

How To Use
AddOrUpdateDim(dimName As String, parentDimName As String, Optional description As String = \"\", Optional accessGroupName As String = \"\", Optional maintenanceGroupName As String = \"\") As [Dim]
# Parameters

dimName - Type String.

parentDimName - Type String.

description - Type String. Optional. Defaults to empty String.

accessGroupName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to Everyone.

maintenanceGroupName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to Administrators.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A black and red text Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Remove a Dimension from the OS application by providing its name as a String.

How To Use

RemoveDim(dimName As String)

# Parameters

dimName - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer screen Description automatically
generated A black and red text Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Retrieve a Cube's Dimension by providing a Dimension abbreviation, Cube name, and Scenario name or type. The latter two properties can be ignored; in their absence Workflow is used to determine the values.

How To Use
GetCubeDim(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String) As [Dim]
GetCubeDim(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, cubeName As String, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional isScenarioType As Boolean = False) As [Dim]
GetCubeDim(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, cubeId As Integer, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -1, Optional isScenarioType As Boolean = False) As [Dim]
GetCubeDim(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String) As [Dim]
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String. Cube and Scenario default to current Workflow POV.

GetCubeDim(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, cubeName As String, Optional scenarioName As String = \"\", Optional isScenarioType As Boolean = False) As [Dim]
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

cubeName - Type String.

scenarioName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

isScenarioType - Type Boolean. Optional. Defaults to False.

# Example

A black text with a white background Description automatically
generated Cube Dimensions for Houston:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

A close-up of a number Description automatically

GetCubeDim(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, cubeId As Integer, Optional scenarioId As Integer = -1, Optional isScenarioType As Boolean = False) As [Dim]
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

cubeId - Type Integer.

secnarioId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

isScenarioType - Type Boolean. Optional. Defaults to False.



Retrieve a Dimension name using its abbreviation or DimTypeID.

How To Use
GetDimName(memberOrDim As Object) As String
GetDimName(dimTypeId As Integer, dimId As Integer) As String
GetDimName(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberOrDim As Object) As String
GetDimName(memberOrDim As Object) As String
# Parameters

memberOrDim - Type generic Object. Valid data types for this Object are as follows:

  • member name as String

  • member Id as Integer

  • Member info object as OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo

  • Member object as OneStream.Shared.Common.Member

GetDimName(dimTypeId As Integer, dimId As Integer) As String
# Parameters

dimTypeId - Type Integer.

dimId - Type Integer.


GetDimName(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberOrDim As Object) As String

# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberOrDim - Type generic Object. Valid data types for this Object are as follows:

  • member name as String

  • member Id as Integer

  • Member info object as OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo

  • Member object as OneStream.Shared.Common.Member

# Example

A close-up of a paper Description automatically
generated A close up of a text Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves the abbreviation of a Dimension by providing the Dimension name.

How To Use
GetAbbr(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String) As String
# Parameters

dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Returns the Dimension name as a String in four different ways: Dimension abbreviation (see GetAbbr) and DimId, Dimension DimType and DimId, Member's Member object, or Member's MemberInfo.

Retrieves any Dimension in the Dimension library by providing a Dimension name as a String, DimPk, or Member.

The primary use case is to determine a Member's dimension based on a Member or MemberInfo object.

How To Use
GetDim(dimNamePkOrMember As Object) As [Dim]
GetDim(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, mbrOrDim As Object) As [Dim]
GetDim(dimTypeId As Integer, mbrOrDim As Object) As [Dim]
GetDim(dimNamePkOrMember As Object) As [Dim]
# Parameters

dimNamePkOrMember - Type generic Object. Valid data types for this Object are as follows:

  • Member name as String

  • Dim name as String

  • Member ID as Integer

  • Dim ID as Integer

  • Member info object as OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo

GetDim(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, mbrOrDim As Object) As [Dim]
# Parameters

dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

mbrOrDim - Type generic Object. Valid data types for this Object are as follows:

  • Member name as String

  • Dim name as String

  • Member ID as Integer

  • Dim ID as Integer

  • Member info object as OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo

  • Member object as OneStream.Shared.Common.Member

# Example

A close up of a text Description automatically

# Results

A close up of numbers Description automatically

GetDim(dimTypeId As Integer, mbrOrDim As Object) As [Dim]
# Parameters

dimTypeId - Type Integer.

mbrOrDim - Type generic Object. Valid data types for this Object are as follows:

  • Member name as String

  • Dim name as String

  • Member ID as Integer

  • Dim ID as Integer

  • Member info object as OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo

  • Member object as OneStream.Shared.Common.Member


Updates the Dimension description, Access Group name, and Maintenance Group name by providing the Dimension name a string.

How To Use
UpdateDim(dimName As String, Optional description As String = \"\", Optional accessGroupName As String = \"Everyone\", Optional maintenanceGroupName As String = \"Administrators\") As [Dim]
# Parameters

dimName - Type String.

description - Type String. Optional. Defaults to empty String.

accessGroupName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to Everyone.

maintenanceGroupName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to Administrators.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

X. Part B - Metadata - Filter & Query

Use Cases

Interrogating and filtering Members within Business Rules is an integral part of defining data scope in Business Rules.


Checks if member exists within specified dimension name or dimension abbreviation.

How To Use

MemberExists(abbreviation As String, memberName As String) As Boolean

MemberExists(abbreviation As String, memberId As Integer) As Boolean

MemberExists(abbreviation As String, memberName As String) As Boolean
# Parameters

abbreviation - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

# Example

A computer code with black and red text Description automatically

# Results

MemberExists(abbreviation As String, memberId As Integer) As Boolean
# Parameters

abbreviation - Type String.

memberId - Type Integer.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a code Description automatically

# Results


Returns a List(Of Members) that excludes individual or Member filter-driven Members by passing the Dimension name or abbreviation, the initial Member filter to exclude from, and then a comma-delimited list of excluded Members. The third parameter is a Boolean that can be set to True in case the removal of duplicates is desired.

How To Use

GetMembersExcluding(dimension As String, filter As String, removeDupes As Boolean, ParamArray excludes As String())

GetMembersExcluding(dm As [Dim], filter As String, removeDupes As Boolean, ParamArray excludes As String())

GetMembersExcluding(dimension As String, filter As String, removeDupes As Boolean, ParamArray excludes As String())
# Parameters
  • dimension - Type String.

  • filter - Type String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Set to True to remove duplicate entries

  • from output.

  • excludes - Type String(). Takes an arbitrary number of

  • comma-separated input parameters.
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A white screen with black text Description automatically

# Results

A white paper with black text Description automatically

GetMembersExcluding(dm As [Dim], filter As String, removeDupes As Boolean, ParamArray excludes As String())
# Parameters

dm - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim.

  • filter - Type String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Set to True to remove duplicate entries

  • from output.

  • excludes - Type String(). Takes an arbitrary number of

  • comma-separated input parameters.


Returns the Account type as a String.

How To Use
GetAccountType(accountName As String) As String
GetAccountType(accountID As Integer) As String
GetAccountType(accountName As String) As String
# Parameters
  • accountName - Type String.
# Example

A black and white text Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

GetAccountType(accountID As Integer) As String
# Parameters
  • accountID - Type String.


Returns the account type ID as an Integer.

How To Use
GetAccountTypeID(accountName As String) As String
GetAccountTypeID(accountID As Integer) As String
GetAccountTypeID(accountName As String) As String
# Parameters
  • accountName - Type String.
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

GetAccountTypeID(accountID As Integer) As String
# Parameters
  • accountID - Type String.


Returns the aggregation weight for a Member as a Decimal.

How To Use
GetAggWeight(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberName As String, parentName As String, Optional varyScenTypeId As Integer = -1, Optional varyTimeId As Integer = -1) As Decimal
GetAggWeight(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberId As Integer, parentId As Integer, Optional varyScenTypeId As Integer = -1, Optional varyTimeId As Integer = -1) As Decimal
GetAggWeight(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberName As String, parentName As String, Optional varyScenTypeId As Integer = -1, Optional varyTimeId As Integer = -1) As Decimal
# Parameters
  • dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

  • memberName - Type String.

  • parentName - Type String.

  • varyScenTypeId - Type Integer. Optional. Only applicable for

  • Percent Consolidation---for other usage, leave blank.

  • varyTimeId - Type Integer. Optional. Only applicable for Percent

  • Consolidation---for other usage, leave blank
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

GetAggWeight(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberId As Integer, parentId As Integer, Optional varyScenTypeId As Integer = -1, Optional varyTimeId As Integer = -1) As Decimal
# Parameters
  • dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

  • memberId - Type Integer.

  • parentName - Type String.

  • varyScenTypeId - Type Integer. Optional. Only applicable for

  • Percent Consolidation---for other usage, leave blank.

  • varyTimeId - Type Integer. Optional. Only applicable for Percent

  • Consolidation---for other usage, leave blank


Returns the description of a Member by providing either its Dimension name (or Dimension token) as a String.

How To Use
GetDesc(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberName As String) As String
GetDesc(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberId As Integer) As String
GetDesc(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberName As String) As String
# Parameters
  • dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

  • memberName - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

GetDesc(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberId As String) As String
# Parameters
  • dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

  • memberId - Type Integer.



Returns a List(Of MemberInfo) by providing a Dimension name (or Dimension token) as a String and a Member filter script.

How To Use
GetMemberInfos(dimension As String, filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False)
GetMemberInfos(dm As [Dim], filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False)
GetMemberInfos(dimension As String, filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False)
# Parameters
  • dimension - Type String.

  • filter - Type String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

The below results reflects the Debug method's logging functionality of Lists.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

GetMemberInfos(dm As [Dim], filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False)
# Parameters
  • dm - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim.

  • filter - Type String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.


Returns a List(Of String) of Member names by providing a Dimension name or abbreviation and a Member Script filter.

How To Use
GetMemberNames(dimension As String, filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False)
GetMemberNames(dm As [Dim], filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False)
GetMemberNames(dimension As String, filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False)
# Parameters
  • dimension - Type String.

  • filter - Type String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

The output below reflects the Debug method's output of a GetMemberNames list.

A white background with black text Description automatically

GetMemberNames(dm As [Dim], filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False)
# Parameters
  • dm - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim.

  • filter - Type String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.


Returns a list of comma-delimited Member names from a Dimension name or abbreviation and a Member filter. Optional prefix and/or suffix parameters append values to the beginning and end of the retrieved Member names.

How To Use

GetMemberNameListAsString(dimension As String, filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False, Optional prefix As String = \"\", Optional suffix As String = \"\", Optional delim As String = \",\")

GetMemberNameListAsString(dm As [Dim], filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False, Optional prefix As String = \"\", Optional suffix As String = \"\", Optional delim As String = \",\")

GetMemberNameListAsString(dimension As String, filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False, Optional prefix As String = \"\", Optional suffix As String = \"\", Optional delim As String = \",\")
# Parameters
  • dimension - Type String.

  • filter - Type formatted Member Script String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.

  • prefix - Type String. Optional. Append parameter as prefix to

  • output.

  • suffix - Type String. Optional. Append parameter as suffix to

  • output.

  • delim - Type String. Optional. Use parameter as delimiter in

  • output. Default is ",".
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

A close up of words Description automatically

GetMemberNameListAsString(dm As [Dim], filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False, Optional prefix As String = \"\", Optional suffix As String = \"\", Optional delim As String = \",\")
# Parameters

dm - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim.

  • filter - Type formatted Member Script String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.

  • prefix - Type String. Optional. Append parameter as prefix to

  • output.

  • suffix - Type String. Optional. Append parameter as suffix to

  • output.

  • delim - Type String. Optional. Use parameter as delimiter in

  • output. Default is ",".


Returns the same result as GetMemberNameListAsString but with Member exclusion through Member filter parameters. Duplicate Members are removed via a removeDuplicates Boolean value. A prefix string is appended to Member names.

How To Use
GetMemberNameListAsStringExcluding(dimension As String, filter As String, prefix As String, suffix As String, removeDupes As Boolean, ParamArray excludes As String())
GetMemberNameListAsStringExcluding(dm As [Dim], filter As String, prefix As String, suffix As String, removeDupes As Boolean, ParamArray excludes As String())
GetMemberNameListAsStringExcluding(dimension As String, filter As String, prefix As String, suffix As String, removeDupes As Boolean, ParamArray excludes As String())
# Parameters

dimension - Type String.

  • filter - Type formatted Member Script String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.

  • prefix - Type String. Optional. Append parameter as prefix to

  • output.

  • suffix - Type String. Optional. Append parameter as suffix to

  • output.

  • excludes - Type String(). Takes an arbitrary number of

  • comma-separated input parameters.
# Example

A screenshot of a computer code Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

GetMemberNameListAsStringExcluding(dm As [Dim], filter As String, prefix As String, suffix As String, removeDupes As Boolean, ParamArray excludes As String())
# Parameters

dm - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim.

  • filter - Type formatted Member Script String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.

  • prefix - Type String. Optional. Append parameter as prefix to

  • output.

  • suffix - Type String. Optional. Append parameter as suffix to

  • output.

  • excludes - Type String(). Takes an arbitrary number of

  • comma-separated input parameters.


Retrieves a List(Of Member) of Members (not MemberInfos) based on a dimension name or abbreviation and a Member filter script.

How To Use
GetMembers(dimension As String, filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False) As List(Of Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member)
GetMembers(dm As [Dim], filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False) As List(Of Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member)
GetMembers(dimension As String, filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False) As List(Of Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member)
# Parameters

dimension - Type String.

  • filter - Type formatted Member Script String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

The output below reflects the Debug method's output of a GetMembers list.

A group of numbers and a member Description automatically

GetMembers(dm As [Dim], filter As String, Optional removeDupes As Boolean = False) As List(Of Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member)
# Parameters

dm - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim.

  • filter - Type formatted Member Script String.

  • removeDupes - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to remove

  • duplicate entries from output.


Returns the Member object of a Member name and Dimension name or abbreviation.

How To Use
GetMember([dim] As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim, memberName As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
GetMember([dim] As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim, memberId As Integer) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
GetMember(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberId As Integer) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
GetMember(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberName As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
GetMember([dim] As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim, memberName As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
# Parameters

[dim] - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim.

memberName - Type String.

# Example

# Results

GetMember([dim] As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim, memberId As Integer) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
# Parameters

[dim] - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim.

memberId - Type Integer.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer program Description automatically

# Results

GetMember(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberId As Integer) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
# Parameters

[dim] - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim.

memberId - Type Integer.

# Example

# Results

GetMember(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberName As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
# Parameters

dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String. Explicit dimension name or abbreviation is valid.

memberId - Type Integer.

# Example

# Results


Returns the ID of a Member as an Integer via a Member name and Dimension name or abbreviation.

GetId(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberObject As Object) As Integer
# Parameters

dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

memberObject - Type generic Object. Valid types for this generic object are:

  • member name as String

  • memberId as Integer

  • Member info object as OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo

  • Member object as OneStream.Shared.Common.Member

# Example

A close up of a text Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Returns a Member's MemberInfo object via a Member name and Dimension name or abbreviation.

How To Use
GetMemberInfo(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberId As Integer) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
GetMemberInfo(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberName As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
GetMemberInfo(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberId As Integer) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

memberId - Type Integer.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

The output below reflects the Debug method's output of a GetMemberInfo method that returns a MemberInfo object.

A close up of numbers Description automatically

GetMemberInfo(dimNameOrAbbreviation As String, memberName As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

memberName - Type String.



Retrieves the name of a Member by providing a Dimension name (or Dimension token) as well as its ID.

How To Use
GetName(abbreviation As String, memberObject As Object) As String
# Parameters

abbreviation - Type String.

memberObject - Type generic Object. Valid types for this generic object are:

  • member name as String

  • memberId as Integer

  • Member info object as OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo

  • Member object as OneStream.Shared.Common.Member

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves the text on a Member by providing a Dimension name, Member name, and text property number.

How To Use
GetText(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, textNumber As Integer, Optional scenarioType As String = \"-1\", Optional timeId As String = \"-1\") As String
GetText(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberId As Integer, textNumber As Integer, Optional scenarioType As String = \"-1\", Optional timeId As String = \"-1\") As String
GetText(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, textNumber As Integer, Optional scenarioType As String = \"-1\", Optional timeId As String = \"-1\")
# Parameters

dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

textNumber - Type Integer.

scenarioType - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

timeId - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

# Example

A piece of lined paper Description automatically

# Results

GetText(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberId As Integer, textNumber As Integer, Optional scenarioType As String = \"-1\", Optional timeId As String = \"-1\") As String
# Parameters

dimNameOrAbbreviation - Type String.

memberId - Type Integer.

textNumber - Type Integer.

scenarioType - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

timeId - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.



Checks the balance type of an Account and returns a Boolean value.

How To Use
IsBalanceType(accountName As String) As Boolean
IsBalanceType(accountId As Integer) As Boolean
IsBalanceType(accountName As String) As Boolean
# Parameters

accountName - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

IsBalanceType(accountId As Integer) As Boolean
# Parameters

accountId - Type Integer.

X. Part C - Metadata - Maintenance

Use Cases

The methods in this section allow for programmatic metadata maintenance. These can be used to create automated processes or administrative maintenance dashboards.


Adds a Member via a Dimension name, new Member name, existing parent name, and desired description.

How To Use
AddMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, parentName As String, description As String, Optional txt1 As String = \"\", Optional txt2 As String = \"\", Optional txt3 As String = \"\", Optional txt4 As String = \"\", Optional txt5 As String = \"\", Optional txt6 As String = \"\", Optional txt7 As String = \"\", Optional txt8 As String = \"\") As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

parentName - Type String.

description - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt1 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt2 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt3 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt4 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt5 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt6 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt7-- Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt8 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a document Description automatically

# Results

A computer screen shot of a structure Description automatically

# AddMember with Text 1 to Text 8 data

AddMember has additional parameters to add text data. Define Text 1 through Text 8 after the description parameter.

Note that Text properties are position dependent; pass an empty string to unvalued Text attributes.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer code Description automatically
generated A computer screen shot of a document Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A computer screen shot of a computer Description automatically

# AddMember without Description

Omit the description from AddMember function to add a Member without its description. Note that this is only available if Text fields 1-8 are unnecessary.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a document Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Adds a Member via a Dimension name, new Member name, existing parent name, and desired description with optional text field updates if Member does not already exist. If member does exist, then the member's description and text fields only are updated.

How To Use
AddOrUpdateMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, parentName As String, description As String, Optional txt1 As String = \"\", Optional txt2 As String = \"\", Optional txt3 As String = \"\", Optional txt4 As String = \"\", Optional txt5 As String = \"\", Optional txt6 As String = \"\", Optional txt7 As String = \"\", Optional txt8 As String = \"\") As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

parentName - Type String.

description - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt1 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt2 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt3 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt4 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt5 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt6 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt7-- Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

txt8 - Type String. Optional. Defaults to blank String.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


CopyMember copies a Member to a new parent Member by providing a Dimension name or abbreviation, the Member to be copied, its current parent Member, and the new parent Member.

The copied Member is, in dimensional parlance, a "shared" Member as it is shared across hierarchies.

How To Use
CopyMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, oldParentName As String, newParentName As String) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

oldParentName - Type String.

newParentName - Type String.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a structure Description automatically

# Results

A computer screen shot of a structure Description automatically


MoveMember moves a Member to a new parent Member by providing a Dimension name or Dimension abbreviation, the Member to be moved, its current parent Member, and the new parent Member.

How To Use
MoveMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, oldParentName As String, newParentName As String, Optional copy As Boolean = False) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

oldParentName - Type String.

newParentName - Type String.

copy - Type Boolean. Set to True to move member as a copy to new parent.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a structure Description automatically

# Results

A computer screen shot of a structure Description automatically


Removes a Member from a Dimension by providing a Dimension name or abbreviation as well as the Member to be removed. Note that this must be a base Member.

Note that RemoveMember does not remove Members with data. See the RemoveMemberAndData method for that functionality.

How To Use
RemoveMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String) As Boolean
RemoveMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberId As Integer) As Boolean
RemoveMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer screen Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer screen Description automatically

RemoveMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberId - Type Integer.



Removes a Member and its data from the Dimension library by passing a Dimension or abbreviation name and the Member name to be deleted. Note that this must be a base Member.

Important Note: removal of a Member and its data requires two code steps: the first to initiate the deletion by placing the Member into a removal queue and the second to execute that deletion queue. These are discrete code lines to allow the list of Members to be deleted defined first (typically in a loop) and then deleted en masse.

RemoveMemberAndData adds a member to the removal queue, RunRemovalQueue performs the true deletion.

See RemoveNodeAndData to delete parent level Members.

How To Use
RemoveMemberAndData(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

# Example

Given the Member TestRemoveMember in the HoustonAccounts dimension with data:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated RemoveMemberAndData adds TestRemoveMember to the removal queue, RunRemovalQueue executes the deletion process.

A close up of a logo Description automatically

# Results

The Member TestRemoveMember is be renamed, moved to the Dimension's orphans, and then deleted along with its data in a background process. Deletion time varies depending on number deleted, server load, etc. Deletion is a background process.

A close up of a number Description automatically
generated A red arrow pointing to a white background Description automatically
generated As seen here:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated Confirmation can also be seen in the error log:

A close up of a message Description automatically


Renames a Member by passing a Dimension name, the current name of the Member, its new name, and an optional description.

How To Use
RenameMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, newMemberName As String, Optional newDescription As Object = Nothing)
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

newMemberName - Type String.

newDescription - Type String. Optional. Defaults to empty String.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a document Description automatically

# Results

A computer screen shot of a structure Description automatically


Sets the account type on an Account Member by passing the Account name and its new Account Type.

How To Use
SetAccountType(accountName As String, accountTypeName As String)
SetAccountType(accountId As Integer, accountTypeName As String)
SetAccountType(accountName As String, accountTypeName As String)
# Parameters

accountName - Type String.

accountTypeName - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

SetAccountType(accountId As Integer, accountTypeName As String)
# Parameters

accountId - Type Integer.

accountTypeName - Type String.



Sets a Member's aggregation weight by passing a Dimension name or abbreviation, the Member name, and the new weight.

How To Use
SetAggWeight(dimNameOrAbbr As String, mbrName As String, parentName As String, weight As Decimal)
# Parameters

dimNameOrAbbr - Type String.

mbrName - Type String.

parentName - Type String.

weight - Type Decimal.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer screen Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer screen Description automatically


Updates a Member's description by passing a Dimension name or abbreviation, the Member name, and its new description.

How To Use
UpdateDesc(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, description As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
UpdateDesc(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberId As Integer, description As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
UpdateDesc(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, description As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

description - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

UpdateDesc(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberId As Integer, description As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberId - Type Integer.

description - Type String.



# Single Text Property

Updates a Member's text field value by passing a Dimension name or abbreviation, the Member name, the text number (1 through 8), and the updated value.

Note that this method does not support varying Time and Scenario dimensions or in-built dimensions like View and Origin.

How To Use
UpdateText(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, number As Integer, value As String)
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

number - Type Integer.

value - Type Integer.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A piece of lined paper Description automatically

# Results

A close-up of a piece of paper Description automatically

# Update Member Text Fields (Text1 to 8)

All Text properties can be updated in a single line, using a position-dependent comma-delimited list of Text properties in addition to the Dimension name and Member name.

Six notes:

  • This method does not support varying Time and Scenario dimensions or in-built dimensions like View and Origin..

  • Trailing Text properties need not be included in the method's parameters, e.g., do not pass a value for Text3 onwards if only the first two are updated.

  • When updating some but not all Text properties, skip the parameter by jumping to the next parameter, e.g., "Text1 value", "Text2 value",,"Text4 value".

  • Clear a Text property by using an empty double quote for that property, e.g., "".

  • A Dimension abbreviation can be used in lieu of a Dimension name.

[After Text8 you may input a Scenario type and time name]{.underline}

How To Use
UpdateText(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, Optional txt1 As String = \"\", Optional txt2 As String = \"\", Optional txt3 As String = \"\", Optional txt4 As String = \"\", Optional txt5 As String = \"\", Optional txt6 As String = \"\", Optional txt7 As String = \"\", Optional txt8 As String = \"\", Optional scenarioTypeName As String = \"\", Optional timeName As String = \"\") As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

Type - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A piece of lined paper Description automatically

# Results

A white lined paper with black text Description automatically

XI. Relationships

Use Cases

Querying the relational structure of members is important to understand where a member is in the overall hierarchy and how that position may affect logic regarding children and parents.


Retrieves first descendant base member name.

How To Use
FirstBaseDescendant(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, Optional excludeNone As Boolean = False) As String
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

excludeNone - Type Boolean. Optional. Default is False. Set to True to *include* None in result set.

# Example

# Results


Retrieves first descendant base member object.

How To Use
FirstBaseDescendantMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, Optional excludeNone As Boolean = False) As Member
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

excludeNone - Type Boolean. Optional. Default is False. Set to True to *include* None in result set.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves first descendant base member info object.

How To Use
FirstBaseDescendantMemberInfo(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, Optional excludeNone As Boolean = False) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

excludeNone - Type Boolean. Optional. Default is False. Set to True to *include* None in result set.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a code Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves first child member name.

How To Use
FirstChildMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, Optional excludeNone As Boolean = False) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

excludeNone - Type Boolean. Optional. Default is False. Set to True to *include* None in result set.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer program Description automatically

# Results

A close up of a number Description automatically


Retrieves first child member info object.

How To Use
FirstChildMemberInfo(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, memberName As String, Optional excludeNone As Boolean = False) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

excludeNone - Type Boolean. Optional. Default is False. Set to True to *include* None in result set.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer program Description automatically

# Results

A close up of a number Description automatically


Retrieves first parent member name.

How To Use
FirstParentMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String) As Member
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves first parent member info object.

How To Use
FirstParentMemberInfo(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a computer program Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves first parent name. Functionally equivalent to FirstParentName.

How To Use
FirstParent(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String) As String
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

# Example

# Results


Retrieves first parent name. Functionally equivalent to FirstParent.

How To Use
FirstParentName(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String) As String
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves next sibling member name.

How To Use

NextSiblingMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, Optional commonParentName As String = \"\") As Member


dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

commonParentName - Type String. Optional. Used to specify a parent to find the next sibling. Otherwise, if left blank, it will default to using the first parent to find the next sibling.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves next sibling member info object.

How To Use
NextSiblingMemberInfo(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, Optional commonParentName As String = \"\") As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

commonParentName - Type String. Optional. Used to specify a parent to find the next sibling. Otherwise, if left blank, it will default to using the first parent to find the next sibling.

# Example

# Results


Retrieves next sibling name.

How To Use
NextSibling(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, Optional commonParentName As String = \"\") As String
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

commonParentName - Type String. Optional. Used to specify a parent to find the next sibling. Otherwise, if left blank, it will default to using the first parent to find the next sibling.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a computer program Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves prior sibling name.

How To Use
PriorSibling(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, Optional commonParentName As String = \"\") As String
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

commonParentName - Type String. Optional. Used to specify a parent to find the next sibling. Otherwise, if left blank, it will default to using the first parent to find the next sibling.

# Example

# Results


Retrieves prior sibling member object.

How To Use
PriorSiblingMember(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, Optional commonParentName As String = \"\") As Member
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

commonParentName - Type String. Optional. Used to specify a parent to find the next sibling. Otherwise, if left blank, it will default to using the first parent to find the next sibling.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves prior sibling member info object.

How To Use
PriorSiblingMemberInfo(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, Optional commonParentName As String = \"\") As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

commonParentName - Type String. Optional. Used to specify a parent to find the next sibling. Otherwise, if left blank, it will default to using the first parent to find the next sibling.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

IsAncestor / IsAnc

Checks if member is ancestor of other member.

How To Use
IsAncestor(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, ancestorName As String, descendantName As String, Optional onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension As Boolean = False) As Boolean
IsAnc(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, ancestorName As String, descendantName As String, Optional onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension As Boolean = False) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

ancestorName - Type String.

descendantName - Type String.

onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to make function check if parent and child members have the same DimTypeID.

# Example

# Results


Checks if member is base member of other member.

How To Use
IsBase(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, descendantName As String, ancestorName As String, Optional onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension As Boolean = False) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

descendantName - Type String.

ancestorName - Type String.

onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to make function check if parent and child members have the same DimTypeID.

# Example

# Results


Checks if member is child of other member.

How To Use
IsChild(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, childName As String, parentName As String, Optional onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension As Boolean = False) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

childName - Type String.

parentName - Type String.

onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to make function check if parent and child members have the same DimTypeID.

# Example

# Results

IsDescendant / IsDesc

Checks if member is descendant of other member.

How To Use
IsDescendant(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, descendantName As String, ancestorName As String, Optional onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension As Boolean = False) As Boolean
IsDesc(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, descendantName As String, ancestorName As String, Optional onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension As Boolean = False) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

descendantName-- Type String.

ancestorName - Type String.

onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to make function check if parent and child members have the same DimTypeID.

# Example

# Results


Checks if member is parent of other member.

How To Use
IsParent(dimensionNameOrAbbr As String, parentName As String, childName As String, Optional onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension As Boolean = False) As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionNameOrAbbr - Type String.

parentName - Type String.

childName - Type String.

onlyLookInSameExtendedDimension - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to make function check if parent and child members have the same DimTypeID.

# Example

# Results

A close up of a text Description automatically


Checks if member is sibling of other member.

How To Use
IsSibling(dimensionAbbr As String, memberName As String, siblingName As String, Optional commonDimension As String = \"\") As Boolean
# Parameters

dimensionAbbr - Type String.

memberName - Type String.

siblingName - Type String.

commonDimension - Type String. Optional. Specify common dimension to check against. Default attempts to extract dimension from dimensionAbbr parameter.

# Example

# Results

XII. Strings & Text

Use Cases

String manipulation is an integral part of Business Rules. These functions help simplify commonly used String processing.


Adds specified escape character to specified characters.

How To Use
EscapeCharacters(inputString As String, escapeCharacter As String, ParamArray charsToEscape As String()) As String
# Parameters

inputString - Type String.

escapeCharacter - Type String.

charsToEscape - Type String(). Takes an arbitrary number of comma-separated input parameters.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results


Formats mixed case single word and separates them into separate, spaced words.

How To Use
FormatMixedCaseSingleWordAsWords(inputString As String, Optional replaceUnderscores As Boolean = False) As String
# Parameters

inputString - Type String.

replaceUnderscores - Type Boolean. Optional. Option to replace underscore character "_" with spaces as well.

# Example 1 - replaceUnderscores not set (defaults to False)

A computer screen shot of text Description automatically

# Results

# Example 2 - replaceUnderscores set to True

A computer screen shot of text Description automatically

# Results


Removes specified prefix from input String.

How To Use
RemovePrefix(inputString As String, prefixToRemove As String, Optional ignoreCase As Boolean = False) As String
# Parameters

inputString - Type String.

childName - Type String.

prefixToRemove - Type String.

ignoreCase - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to make prefix ignore case during comparison. Default is False.

# Example

A screen shot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results


Removes any character that is not alphanumeric or underscore (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ are the only valid characters).

How To Use
RemoveSpecialCharacters(inputString As String) As String
# Parameters

inputString - Type String.

# Example

# Results


Removes specified suffix from input String.

How To Use
RemoveSuffix(inputString As String, suffixToRemove As String, Optional ignoreCase As Boolean = False) As String
# Parameters

inputString - Type String.

suffixToRemove - Type String.

ignoreCase - Type Boolean. Optional. Set to True to make suffix ignore case during comparison. Default is False.

# Example

# Results


Repeats input string a specified number of times.

How To Use
RepeatString(numberOfTimes As Integer, stringToRepeat As String) As String
# Parameters

numberOfTimes - Type Integer. Specify number of times to repeat stringToRepeat parameter in output.

stringToRepeat - Type String.

# Example

A computer code with black text Description automatically

# Results


Replaces any instance of specified String with another specified value.

How To Use
ReplaceAny(Of T)(value As T, replaceWith As T, ignoreCase As Boolean, ParamArray collectionValues As T()) As String
# Parameters

value - Type T. Input String that will have its values replaced.

replaceWith - Type T. String that will replace values specified by collectionValues parameter(s).

ignoreCase - Type Boolean.

collectionValues - Type T(). Takes an arbitrary number of comma-separated input parameters.

# Example 1 - ignoreCase set to True

# Results

# Example 2 - ignoreCase set to False

# Results


Case-insensitive replacement of characters in input String.

How To Use
ReplaceIgnoreCase(inputString As String, replaceText As String, withText As String) As String
# Parameters

inputString - Type String.

replaceText - Type String.

withText - Type String.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a program Description automatically

# Results


Calls XFBR via name and function.

For the following examples of this function's use, the following sample XFBR is used:

A screenshot of a computer code Description automatically

How To Use
XFBR(ByVal ruleName As String, ByVal functionName As String)
XFBR(ByVal ruleName As String, ByVal functionName As String, subVars As Dictionary(Of String, String))
XFBR(ByVal ruleName As String, ByVal functionName As String)
# Parameters

ruleName - Type String.

functionName - Type String.

# Example

A close-up of a computer screen Description automatically

# Results

A close up of a text Description automatically

XFBR(ByVal ruleName As String, ByVal functionName As String, subVars As Dictionary(Of String, String))
# Parameters

ruleName - Type String.

functionName - Type String.

subVars - Type Dictionary(Of String, String).

# Example

A computer code with text Description automatically

# Results

A white background with black text Description automatically


XIII. Time

Use Cases

OneStream's Time Dimension is special: it is mandatory, fixed in purpose, interacts with Account types, drives Workflow, defines Data Units, and while fixed in structure, constantly moves forward.

Its properties are key to data loads, calculations, and reporting.


Returns the current Cube start date for the currently selected Workflow Cube POV. An explicit Cube name can also be defined.

How To Use
GetCubeStartDate(Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
# Parameters

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Returns the number of days in a period based on the currently selected Workflow Cube POV as an Integer. An explicit Cube name can also be defined.

How To Use
GetDaysInPeriod(Optional periodName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
GetDaysInPeriod(Optional periodId As Integer = 0, Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
GetDaysInPeriod(Optional periodName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
# Parameters

periodName - Type String.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

# Example

M1 = Jan

# Results

GetDaysInPeriod(Optional periodId As Integer = 0, Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
# Parameters

periodId - Type Integer.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.



Returns the current global time Member ID as an integer.

How To Use
# Example

A close up of a logo Description automatically

# Results


Returns the current global time as String.

How To Use


Returns a List(Of String) of Time periods within a range.

There are three overload properties:

1) Inclusive Boolean (default is True)

2) Include T## prefix

3) Return MemberIds - T## prefix property is ignored

How To Use
GetListOfPeriodsBetweenPeriods(startPeriod As Object, endPeriod As Object, Optional inclusive As Boolean = True, Optional includePrefix As Boolean = False, Optional returnIDsInsteadOfNames As Boolean = False)
# Parameters

startPeriod - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

endPeriod - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

inclusive - Type Boolean. Optional. Option to include start period and end period date in list. Default is True.

includePrefix - Type Boolean. Optional. Include T## in output string. Default is False.

returnIDsInsteadOfNames - Type Boolean. Optional. Return memberIds instead of T## String. Default is False.

# Example

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Results

A number list with numbers Description automatically generated with
medium confidence


Returns a list of comma-delimited Time periods between a start period and an end period.

There are three overload properties:

1) Inclusive Boolean (default is True)

2) Include T## prefix

3) Return MemberIds - T## prefix property is ignored

How To Use

GetListOfPeriodsBetweenPeriodsAsSingleString(startPeriod As Object, endPeriod As Object, Optional inclusive As Boolean = True, Optional includePrefix As Boolean = False, Optional returnIDsInsteadOfNames As Boolean = False) As String

# Parameters

startPeriod - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

endPeriod - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

inclusive - Type Boolean. Optional. Option to include start period and end period date in list. Default is True.

includePrefix - Type Boolean. Optional. Include T## in output string. Default is False.

returnIDsInsteadOfNames - Type Boolean. Optional. Return memberIds instead of T## String. Default is False.

# Example

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Results

A number and number on a white background Description automatically


Returns a list of comma-delimited non-inclusive future Time periods based on a start Time period and the number of future periods.

There are three overload properties:

1) Delimiter string, e.g., " ; "

2) Prefix string, e.g., "T##"

3) Suffix string, e.g., ":V##Periodic"

How To Use
GetNextPeriodsList(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsForward As Integer = 1, Optional delimiter As String = \",\", Optional prefix As String = \"\", Optional suffix As String = \"\")
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of next periods to retrieve.

delimiter - Type String. Optional. Used to specify period delimiter. Default is ",".

prefix - Type String. Optional. Used to specify period prefix. Default is nothing.

suffix - Type String. Optional. Used to specify period suffix. Default is nothing.

# Example

A black and white text Description automatically

# Results


Returns a list of comma-delimited non-inclusive prior Time periods based on a start Time period and the number of prior periods.

How To Use
GetPriorPeriodsList(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsBack As Integer = 1, Optional delimiter As String = \",\", Optional prefix As String = \"\", Optional suffix As String = \"\")
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsBack - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve.

delimiter - Type String. Optional. Used to specify period delimiter. Default is ",".

prefix - Type String. Optional. Used to specify period prefix. Default is nothing.

suffix - Type String. Optional. Used to specify period suffix. Default is nothing.

# Example

A black and white text Description automatically

# Results

A close up of numbers Description automatically


As GetNextPeriodsList -- returns a list of comma-delimited non-inclusive future Time periods based on a start Time period and the number of future periods - but with T## as a prefix. This reduces the number of overload properties to the delimiter and suffix.

How To Use
GetNextPeriodsScriptList(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsForward As Integer = 1)
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of next periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period forward.

# Example

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Results

A number on a white background Description automatically


As GetPriorPeriodsList - returns a list of comma-delimited non-inclusive prior Time periods based on a start Time period and the number of prior periods - but with T## as a prefix. This reduces the number of overload properties to the delimiter and suffix.

How To Use
GetPriorPeriodsScriptList(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsBack As Integer = 1)

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsBack - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

# Example

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Results

A close up of numbers Description automatically


Returns a future Time period ID given an initial Time period and the offset next periods number.

How To Use
GetNextPeriodsID(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsForward As Integer = 1, Optional spanYears As Boolean = True) As Integer
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

spanYears - Type Integer. Optional. Default is True.

# Example

A black and white text Description automatically

# Results


Returns a future Time period Member given an initial Time period and the offset next periods number.

How To Use
GetNextPeriodsMember(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsForward As Integer = 1, Optional spanYears As Boolean = True) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

spanYears - Type Integer. Optional. Default is True.

# Example

A black and white text Description automatically

# Results


Returns a future Time period MemberInfo given an initial Time period and the offset next periods number.

How To Use
GetNextPeriodsMemberInfo(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsForward As Integer = 1, Optional spanYears As Boolean = True) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberInfo
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

spanYears - Type Integer. Optional. Default is True.

# Example

# Results


Returns a future Time period Member name given an initial Time period and the offset next periods number.

How To Use
GetNextPeriods(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsForward As Integer = 1, Optional spanYears As Boolean = True) As String
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

spanYears - Type Integer. Optional. Default is True.

# Example

# Results


Returns a future Time period Member with a prefixed "T##" given an initial Time period and the offset next periods number.

How To Use
GetNextPeriodsScript(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsForward As Integer = 1, Optional spanYears As Boolean = True) As String
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

spanYears - Type Integer. Optional. Default is True.

# Example

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Results


Returns a prior Time period id given an initial Time period and the offset prior periods number.

How To Use
GetPriorPeriodsID(inputTime As Object, periodsBack As Integer, Optional spanYears As Boolean = True) As Integer
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

spanYears - Type Integer. Optional. Default is True.

# Example

A black and white text Description automatically

# Results


Returns a prior Time period Member given an initial Time period and the offset prior periods number.

How To Use
GetPriorPeriodsMember(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsBack As Integer = 1, Optional spanYears As Boolean = True) As Global.OneStream.Shared.Common.Member
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

spanYears - Type Integer. Optional. Default is True.

# Example

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Results


Returns a prior Time period name given an initial Time period and the offset prior periods number.

How To Use
GetPriorPeriods(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsBack As Integer = 1, Optional spanYears As Boolean = True) As String
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

spanYears - Type Integer. Optional. Default is True.

# Example

A black and white text Description automatically

# Results


Returns a prior Time period Member with a prefixed "T##" given an initial Time period and the offset prior periods number.

How To Use
GetPriorPeriodsScript(inputTime As Object, Optional periodsBack As Integer = 1, Optional spanYears As Boolean = True) As String
# Parameters

inputTime - Type Object. Formatted time period object.

periodsForward - Type Integer. Number of prior periods to retrieve. Optional. Default is 1 period back.

spanYears - Type Integer. Optional. Default is True.

# Example

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Results


Returns the end date for a specific period as a DateTime object, e.g., 2011M1 will return the DateTime object with the date 1/31/2011.

How To Use
GetPeriodEndDate(Optional periodName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
GetPeriodEndDate(Optional periodId As Integer = 0, Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
GetPeriodEndDate(Optional periodName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
# Parameters

periodName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

# Example

A black and white text Description automatically

# Results

GetPeriodEndDate(Optional periodId As Integer = 0, Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
# Parameters

periodId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

# Example

# Results


Returns the start date for a specific period as a DateTime object, e.g., 2011M1 will return the DateTime object with the date 1/1/2011.

How To Use
GetPeriodStartDate(Optional periodName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
GetPeriodStartDate(Optional periodId As Integer = 0, Optional cubeName As String = \"\")
GetPeriodStartDate(Optional periodName As String = \"\", Optional

cubeName As String = \"\")

# Parameters

periodName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

# Example

A black text with black text Description automatically

# Results

GetPeriodStartDate(Optional periodName As String = \"\", Optional cubeName As String = \"\")

# Parameters

periodId - Type Integer. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

cubeName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

# Example

# Results


Sets the global time by providing a time Member ID.

How To Use

SetGlobalTimeId(id As Integer)

# Parameters

id - Type Integer. Valid time object Id.

# Example

A close up of a logo Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Sets the global time by providing a period name as a String.

How To Use

SetGlobalTime(name As String)

# Parameters

name - Type String. Valid time object name.

# Example

A close up of a logo Description automatically

# Results

A close up of a logo Description automatically

XIV. Transformation & Lookup

Use Cases

Used to lookup and query transformations from Source to Target.


Within Lookup Transformation Rules, returns Target Value given a Source Value.

How To Use
TransformLookup(xformRuleName As String, inputValue As String, Optional passthrough As Boolean = False) As String
# Parameters

xformRuleName - Type String.

inputValue - Type String.

passThrough - Type Boolean. Optional. If set to True, evaluates look up and returns inputValue parameter if lookup is unsuccessful. Default is False.

# Example 1

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

# Example 2 With optionalPassThrough value as True

# Results

XV. VB.Net & Advanced Coding

Use Cases

When programmatically converting business logic or doing complex tasks in OneStream, figuring out algorithms for certain solutions can be tricky. The collection of functions in this section can make some programming work simple.


Creates a dictionary with a mapped key to value by feeding a string formatted as: A=B, C=D, etc. Additional parameters are also available for: delimiter identification within the string separating each key; the assigning operator for the mapped key to value; allowing special characters within brackets; removing brackets after assignment; and reversing key value pairs.

How To Use
DoubleDelimitedLineToDictionary(inputString As String, Optional delimiter1 As String = \",\", Optional delimiter2 As String = \"=\", Optional sortKeys As Boolean = False, Optional useOneStreamBracketsAsQuotedText As Boolean = False, Optional stripOneStreamBracketsOff As Boolean = False, Optional reverseKeyAndValue As Boolean = False, Optional sortReverse As Boolean = False) As Dictionary(Of String, String)
# Parameters

Delimiter1 - Type String. TypeString that delimits Key-Value pairs from one another. Default is ",".

Delimiter2 - Type String. String that delimits Key from Value. Default is "=".

Sortkeys - Type Boolean. Sorts keys alphabetically in Ascending order in output dictionary. Default is False.

useOneStreamBracketsAsQuotedText - Type Boolean.Preserves text within bracket as singular quoted String to prevent parsing within brackets. Default is False.

stripOneStreamBracketsOff - Type Boolean.Removes brackets when inserting into dictionary. Default is False.

ReverseKeyAndValue - Type Boolean.Parse Key-Value pair as Value-Key. Default is False.

SortReverse - Type Boolean.Sorts keys alphabetically in Descending order in output dictionary. Default is False.

# Example 1 - No optional parameters specified.

A computer code with text Description automatically

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Example 2 - Delimiter1 specified.

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Example 3 - Delimiter2 specified.

A computer screen shot of a code Description automatically

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Example 4 - Sortkeys specified. A computer screen shot of a computer code Description automatically generated
# ResultsA black text on a white background Description automatically generated
# Example 5 - useOneStreamBracketsAsQuotedtext set to True.

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Example 6 - stripOneStreamBracketsOff set to True.

# Results

A number of animals with black text Description automatically
generated with medium


Converts a DataCellPk object to a raw Member Script string by grabbing the POV information within the object.

How To Use
DataCellPkToMemberScript(dcpk As DataCellPk, Optional ignoreNones As Boolean = False) As MemberScriptBuilder
# Parameters

dcpk - Type OneStream.Shared.Common.DataCellPk.

ignoreNones - Type Boolean. Removes dimensions which resolve to "None". Default is False.

# Example 1 - No optional parameters specified.

A close-up of a computer code Description automatically

# Results

# Example 2 - ignoreNones set to True.

A close-up of a computer code Description automatically

# Results


Converts a delimited string list to a list object making declaration of a list flexible through string inputs.

How To Use
DelimitedLineToList(inputString As String, delimiter As String, Optional useOneStreamBracketsAsQuotedText As Boolean = False, Optional sort As Boolean = False, Optional sortReverse As Boolean = False) As List(Of String)
# Parameters

inputString - Type String.

delimiter-- Type String.

useOneStreamBracketsAsQuotedText - Type Boolean. Preserves text within bracket as singular quoted String to prevent parsing within brackets. Default is False.

sort - Type Boolean. Sorts list contents alphabetically in Ascending order in output list. Default is False..

SortReverse - Type Boolean. Sorts list contents alphabetically in Descending order in output list. Default is False.

# Example 1 - No optional parameters specified

# Results

A close-up of a white background Description automatically

# Example 2 - useOneStreamBracketsAsQuotedText set to True.

A screenshot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Example 3 - Sort set to True.

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically

# Example 3 - SortReverse set to True.

# Results

A white background with black text Description automatically


Sorts an existing dictionary by its key.

How To Use
SortDictionaryByKey(unsortedDictionary, Optional reverse = False)
# Parameters

unsortedDictionary - Type Dictionary(Of String, String).

Reverse - Type Boolean. Sorts dictionary keys alphabetically in Descending order in output list. Default is False.

# Example 1 - No optional parameters specified.

# Results

A white background with black text Description automatically

# Example 2 - Reverse set to True.

A screenshot of a computer code Description automatically

# Results

A white background with black text Description automatically


Sorts an existing dictionary by its values.

How To Use
SortDictionaryByValue(unsortedDictionary, Optional reverse = False)
# Parameters

unsortedDictionary - Type Dictionary(Of String, String).

Reverse - Type Boolean. Sorts dictionary keys alphabetically in Descending order in output list. Default is False.



Retrieves an Enum value corresponding to its name through string input.

How To Use
GetEnumID(enum As Type, name As String)
# Parameters

enum - Type Type.

name - Type String.

# Example

A close up of a computer screen Description automatically

# Results


Converts a list to a dictionary by taking its values and declaring both key and value pairs as the same value.

How To Use
ConvertListToDictionary(Of TValue)(sourceList As List(Of TValue), Optional sort As Boolean = False, Optional reverse As Boolean = False) As System.Object
# Parameters

childName - Type String.

sort - Type Boolean. Sorts list contents alphabetically in Ascending order in output list. Default is False..

reverse - Type Boolean. Sorts list contents alphabetically in Descending order in output list. Default is False. Note that this parameter only is valid if sort parameter is also set to True.

# Example 1 - No parameters specified.

A computer screen shot of a code Description automatically

# Results

A list of names on a white background Description automatically

# Example 2 - Sort set to True

# Results

A list of names on a white background Description automatically

# Example 3 - Sort set to True. Reverse set to True.

A computer screen shot of a code Description automatically

# Results

A list of different names Description automatically generated with
medium confidence


Removes duplicate values in a list. As an example, this can be useful for removing duplicate Members from alternate hierarchies in a String list retrieved by a different function.

How To Use
UniqueList(Of TValue)(inputList As List(Of TValue), Optional sorted As Boolean = False, Optional [direction] As String = \"asc\") As List(Of TValue)
# Parameters

inputList - Type List.

sorted - Type Boolean. Optional. Sorts list contents alphabetically based on option set by "[direction]" parameter. Default is False.

direction - Type String. Optional. Specifies type of sort. If user specifies "Desc", then output will be sorted alphabetically in Descending order. Defaults to "asc" for Ascending sort. This parameter does nothing unless "sorted" is also set to True.

# Example 1 - No parameters specified.

A computer screen shot of text Description automatically

# Results

A white background with black text Description automatically

# Example 2 - Sorted set to True.

A computer screen with text Description automatically

# Results

A white background with black text Description automatically

# Example 3 - Sorted set to True. direction set to "Desc"

A computer screen with text Description automatically

# Results

A white background with black text Description automatically


Sorts a list object's items alphabetically.

How To Use
SortList(Of TValue)(listToBeSorted As List(Of TValue), Optional [direction] As String = \"asc\") As List(Of TValue)
# Parameters

listToBeSorted - Type List.

[direction] - Type String. Optional. Specifies type of sort. If user specifies "Desc", then output will be sorted alphabetically in Descending order. Defaults to "asc" for Ascending sort.

# Example 1

# Results

A white background with black text Description automatically

# Example 2 - direction set to "Desc"

# Results


Converts a Member Script POV to a data cell pk for use in other functions.

How To Use
MemberScriptToDataCellPk(script As String) As DataCellPk
MemberScriptToDataCellPk(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As DataCellPk
MemberScriptToDataCellPk(script As String) As DataCellPk
# Parameters

script - Type formatted Member Script String.

# Example

A white background with colorful text Description automatically

# Results

A close up of a number Description automatically

MemberScriptToDataCellPk(msb As MemberScriptBuilder) As DataCellPk
# Parameters

msb - Type OneStream.Shared.Wcf.MemberScriptBuilder.

# Example

A computer screen shot of text Description automatically

# Results

A close up of a number Description automatically


Executes API methods by feeding strings and parameters.

How To Use
ExecuteMethodByReflection(obj As Object, objType As Type, methodName As String, args As Object(), Optional argTypes As Type() = Nothing) As Object
# Parameters

obj - Type Object.

objType - Type Type.

methodName - Type String.

args - Type Object().

argTypes - Type Object().

# Example

Existing ErrorLog item:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated Using ExecuteMethodByReflection to call ErrorLogWcf.GetErrorLogItem():

A computer screen shot of a program Description automatically

# Results


Sets properties for objects by feeding strings and parameters.

How To Use
SetPropertyByReflection(obj As Object, propertyName As String, propertyValue As Object) As Object
# Parameters

propertyName - Type String.

propertyValue - Type Object.

# Example

A white background with text Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves the state object for the current OneStream session.

How To Use
GetStateObject(mode As String, textKey As String, binaryKey As String) As Object
# Parameters

mode - Type String. Three valid modes:

  • "User" : Stores state at User level

  • "Session" : Stores state at Session level

"Page" : Stores state at Page level

textKey - Type String.

binaryKey - Type String.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a code Description automatically

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically


Retrieves text in the session state object.

How To Use
GetStateText(mode As String, textKey As String, binaryKey As String) As String
# Parameters

mode - Type String. Three valid modes:

  • "User" : Stores state at User level

  • "Session" : Stores state at Session level

"Page" : Stores state at Page level

textKey - Type String.

binaryKey - Type String.

# Example

A computer code with text Description automatically

# Results


Sets the and object in the session state with a given key.

How To Use
SetStateObject(mode As String, binaryKey As String, binaryObject As Object)
# Parameters

mode - Type String. Three valid modes:

  • "User" : Stores state at User level

  • "Session" : Stores state at Session level

"Page" : Stores state at Page level

textKey - Type String.

binaryKey - Type String.

# Example

A computer screen shot of a code Description automatically

# Results

A black text on a white background Description automatically


Sets text in the session state object with a given key.

How To Use
SetStateText(mode As String, textKey As String, textValue As String)
# Parameters

mode - Type String. Three valid modes:

  • "User" : Stores state at User level

  • "Session" : Stores state at Session level

"Page" : Stores state at Page level

textKey - Type String.

binaryKey - Type String.

# Example

A computer code with text Description automatically

# Results

XVI. Workflow & Global Settings

Use Cases

Most things in OneStream are driven from the Workflow, this section provides a collection of functions to get Workflow information in a simple manner.


Retrieves the global Scenario ID.

How To Use
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves the global time ID.

How To Use
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves a specified Workflow attribute given a field name, Scenario type, and profile name.

The selected Workflow profile through OnePlace is referenced if the profile name is not explicitly input.

Possible WFAttributes to choose from:











































How To Use
GetWFAttribute(attributeNameOrId As Object, Optional scenarioTypeNameOrId As Object = \"\", Optional wfNameOrId As Object = \"\", Optional useDefaultValue As Boolean = False) As String
# Parameters

attributeNameOrId - Type String.

scenarioTypeNameOrId - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current workflow POV.

wfNameOrId - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current workflow POV.

useDefaultValue - Type Boolean. Optional. If set to True, default value for attribute will return in the case that the attribute has no value. Defaults to False.

# Example

A blue background with black text Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A close-up of a notepad Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves the currently set Workflow Cube name.

How To Use
GetWFCubeName() As String
# Example

# Results


Retrieves the currently selected Workflow name.

How To Use
GetWFName() As String
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves a shorthand name of the selected Workflow.

How To Use
GetWFProfileShortName() As String
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves the currently selected Scenario ID designated by the Workflow POV.

How To Use
GetWFScenarioId() As Integer
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A close-up of a computer screen Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves the currently selected Scenario name designated by the Workflow POV.

How To Use

GetWFScenarioName() As String

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Retrieves the currently selected Workflow year designed by the Workflow POV.

How To Use
GetWFYear() As Integer
# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results


Sets the global Scenario on the Cube POV.

How To Use
SetGlobalScenario(name As String)
# Parameters

name - Type String.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

A close-up of a logo Description automatically


Sets the global time by providing a time Member ID.

How To Use
SetGlobalTimeId(id As String)
# Parameters

id - Type String.

# Example

A close up of a logo Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Sets the global time by providing a time Member name.

How To Use
SetGlobalTime(name As String)
# Parameters

name - Type String.

# Example

A close up of a logo Description automatically

# Results

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically


Sets a Workflow attribute.

As with GetWFAttribute, the function looks to the Workflow currently selected in OnePlace. Manually settings the Workflow profile that you want to change attributes for is also possible by inputting the profile name as the last parameter.

Refer to GetWFAttribute for list of attributes to use.

How To Use
SetWFAttribute(value As Object, name As String, Optional scenarioTypeName As String = \"\", Optional wfName As String = \"\")
# Parameters

value - Type Object.

name - Type String.

scenarioTypeName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

wfName - Type String. Optional. Defaults to current Workflow POV.

# Example

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically
generated A close-up of a piece of paper Description automatically
generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically

# Results

A close-up of a notepad Description automatically

Data Structures

BDA Simple Code has no data structures.