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BDA Scenario Manager

Application Summary

The BDA Scenario Manager SV1.0.0 controls Scenario scope, copies Scenarios, marks tasks as incomplete, and unlocks Workflow.

BDA Scenario Manager SV1.0.0 Overview

The BDA Scenario Manager SV1.0.0 copies Cube, Cell Detail, and text Annotations across Scenarios by full year; one or many Cubes can be copied, the target Scenario can be cleared on copy.

If the BDA Time Method is used, the current forecast period can be set.

Text attributes that can control date ranges, active Scenarios, and calculation actions are configurable via a graphical user interface.

Tasks are marked as incomplete at a Scenario level.

Scenarios with completed Workflow elements can be reverted to a fully not started state.

Developers and administrators are the only users of this utility.

Setup and Installation


BDA Scenario Manager

There are eight general functional areas:

1) Scenario

2) BDA Time Method year and month selector

3) Scenario (planning centric) behaviors

4) Prior Scenario (planning centric) properties

5) Save button for BDA Time Method, Scenario behaviors, and Prior Scenario behaviors

6) Scenario Archive/Copy

7) Workflow Task reset

8) Revert Workflow

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Lists all application Scenarios. The selected Scenario drives all processes.

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BDA Time Method

The BDA Time Method is used in conjunction with Scenario and Prior Scenario behaviors to drive the cutoff of actual and plan data within a current year forecast. It does this by writing to the selected Scenario’s Text 4 property.

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Actual Text 4

XFBR (or other rule types) read Text 4’s value and limit Actual calculations to the set Period (this lags the selected Period as it reflects an Actual month).

Plan Text 5

In a similar manner, calculations read Text 4 or Text 5 and consider time from then on till the last period as defined in Text 3 to be the scope of plan periods.

Text 1, Text 2, and Text 3

These three text properties are used in the BDA Accordion Forecast to drive time selections.

Scenario Behaviors

Note – these settings are used in concert the BDA Time Method but are independently assigned.

All values are written to the selected Scenario’s Text 7 property in a comma-delimited list. Where a behavior property is not explicitly set, its position is preserved with a blank.

Consider scenario archive (non-working)

Sets the first element in the list to “Archive”:

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Disable calculations for this scenario

Sets the second element in the list to “NoCalc”:

Sets the third element in the list to “NoClear”:

Prior Scenario (planning centric) Properties

Prior Forecast

Sets the first element in the list to the selected Scenario:

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Prior Budget

Sets the second element in the list to the selected Scenario:

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Prior Plan

Sets the third element in the list to the selected Scenario:

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Archive/Copy Scenario

The Archive/Copy Scenario button copies Cube, Cell Detail, and Text for one or many Cubes and one or many full years across Scenarios.

When copying, it can clear the target Scenario, clear the target year and its predecessor, clear the target year and its two prior years, or not clear the target Scenario and perform a merge copy.

There are four areas of general functionality in the copy dialog box:

1) Target Scenario. Note that the source Scenario must be selected beforehand in the main screen.

2) Cube scope

3) Clear behavior on copy

4) Year scope

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Beginning State

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Do Not Clear

In this initial BudgetV5 is empty, so neither Do Not Clear nor Clear All is significant.

The results of this first Do Not Clear copy. Note that Cell Detail, numeric data, and text are all copied to BudgetV5.

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BudgetV4 and BudgetV5 data has changed to a mixed combination of populated and null data intersections:

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The Do Not Clear copy result:

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Null data in BudgetV4 has not overwritten existing data in Budgetv5. Null data in Budgetv5 is overwritten when data exists in Budgetv4.

Clear All

A Clear All copy to Budgetv5 completely replaces its contents:

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Multiyear Copy

A multiyear copy can be accomplished by selecting all of the target years and performing a Do Not Clear or Clear All copy or by using the Clear All + Prior Year and Clear All + 2 Prior Years methods. Note that the latter two copies always perform a clear on copy; they exist for convenience’s sake as a multiyear select with Clear All is functionally the same.

Given three years of data:

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A multiyear copy:

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Produces this target across 2010, 2011, and 2012:

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Mark All Tasks Incomplete


Revert Scenario To Not Started In Workflow

Changes all completed Workflow in a Scenario across all Cubes and years to Not Started.

This is a simple button click – no configuration is possible other than the selection of the relevant Scenario.

Assuming BudgetV4, a partially completed Workflow:

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Click on the Revert Scenario button:

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The Workflow is reverted:

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Controlling (primarily) planning ranges and

  • Update Scenario properties.

  • Copy Scenarios for individual, multiple, or all Cubes for one or more years.

  • Archive Cube data, Cell Detail, and text

  • Optionally clear the target Scenario on copy.

  • Mark tasks as incomplete on a Scenario/Time basis.

  • Unlock a Scenario in Workflow

Data Structures

This Solution uses three tables: BDA_FW_Solution_Keys, BDA_FW_Task_EditHistory, and BDA_FW_Task_Status.


Solution key(s) for the relevant BDA Solutions.

Sample Data

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Table Schema

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Tasks in Task Editor with 10 generations of audit.

Sample Data

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Table Schema

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Tracks completed task status when feature is in use

Sample Data

Task Schema

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