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BDA Text and Cell Detail Explorer

Application Summary

The BDA Text and Cell Detail Explorer browses and filters Cell Detail and Annotations by Scenario and Period.

BDA Text and Cell Detail Explorer Overview

The BDA Text and Cell Detail Explorer queries and returns Annotations and Cell Detail data by Scenario, Period, and optionally by Member Filter.

Scenario and Time selectors drive Cell Detail and Annotations queries. The result set can be restricted using a simple free-form Member Filter.

All Annotation and Cell Detail metadata is retrieved in a fully manipulable TableView.

Developers, administrators, and – potentially – selected FP&A superusers, can browse all Annotations and Cell Detail data in all Cubes. Note that Workflow, Entity, and Cube Access security does not apply; access to this Solution must therefore be tightly controlled as must access to the administrator version of this utility as it can copy and clear Annotation and Cell Detail data.

No more than 5,000 records can be returned.

Setup and Installation

The installation process for all BDA Solutions is the same: download the install zip file from Partner Place, import, and run the BDA_FW_Dashboard_Setup dashboard using the purchased product keys. The zip file contains all BDA Solutions; the keys unlock the purchased Solutions.

See the BDA Installation Solution Guide SV1.0.0 for more information.

BDA Text and Cell Detail Explorer

Text annotations and Cell Detail are supplemental in nature; annotations provide textual context, Cell Detail is data – either manually entered or loaded – below the typical level of input data.

Identifying, retrieving, and manipulating this supplemental data can be time consuming or require custom code. The BDA Text and Cell Detail Explorer Solution allows the user to quickly find data, narrow its scope, and review, copy, or clear it. Note that the last two functions are only available via the Standard dashboard.

Functionality Overview

There are six general functional areas:

  1. Time and Scenario
  2. Data Source
  3. Tools (Copy and Clear are excluded from the user version)
  4. Script Filter
  5. Cube data by row
  6. Cube results

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Note – The Copy and Clear buttons are in the Standard Solution version only. The BDA Text & Cell Detail Explorer User Solution does not support their functionality.


The following fields are returned:

Field Value
Cube Cube name
Entity Entity member name
Parent Parent member name
Cons Cons member name
Scenario Scenario member name
Time Period member name
View Annotation, AuditComment, Footnote, VarianceExplanation, Assumptions, Periodic
Account Account member name
Flow Flow member name
Origin Origin Member Name
IC IC member name
UD1 UD1 member name
UD2 UD2 member name
UD3 UD3 member name
UD4 UD4 member name
UD5 UD5 member name
UD6 UD6 member name
UD7 UD7 member name
UD8 UD8 member name
Type Annotation, AuditComment, Footnote, VarianceExplanation, Assumptions, Cell Detail
LineItem Numeric value
Title Blank (Not Used), Sales, Cost of Sales, Cash, Miscellaneous Supply Expenses, Rebates Received on Supplies, Miscellaneous, Travel, Hotel, Transportation, Meals
Text Text value
Value Numeric value
User Username
Timestamp Date time in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM
FileName Filename if loaded Cell Detail
FileType Numeric value
Script Fully defined tuple memberscript

Sample Data

For illustrative purposes, Cell Detail and Annotations have been added to GolfStream:

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Cell detail is stored in 50000 – FUTA and 50010 – FICA. The below is 50010 – FICA:

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Scenario and Period

To explore the data, select a Scenario:

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Select a Period, either year or month:

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Only one Period at a time can be selected; a year selection will return all of its periods.

If Sources are selected, changing the Scenario or Period dropdown will trigger a refresh.


Select All Cell Detail, All Text/Annotations, or both:

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If Scenario and Period are selected, clicking on either checkbox will trigger a query.

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Create a free-form member filter to control result set scope

In addition to native post-retrieve TableView filtering, the query scope can be reduced using the Script Filter:

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A Script Filter is not required.

The Apply Filter button must be clicked on after a filter definition.

Exporting Data

Data exports are supported in the standard and user solutions.

Clicking on the Export button dynamically creates an Excel xlsx file:

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The 5,000 record retrieve maximum limits the export scope to the same record count.

Clearing Data

Data clears are supported only in the standard solution.

Clear filtered Annotations and Cell Detail

The Scenario, Period, All Cell Detail, and All Text/Annotations selectors and checkboxes limit the scope of the data to clear, e.g., if BudgetV6, 2011M1, and All Cell Detail are selected, those data elements will be cleared but all Text/Annotations data is retained.

BudgetV6 Cell Detail and Text/Annotations

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After clicking on Clear

Note that BudgetV6 no longer displays in the Scenario dropdown as it no longer has Cell Detail or Text/Annotations data.

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Copy filtered Annotations and Cell Detail to a target Scenario and Time Period (Year-only)

Data copies are supported only in the standard solution.

The Scenario, Period, All Cell Detail, and All Text/Annotations selectors and checkboxes limit the scope of the data to clear, e.g., if BudgetV6, 2011M1, and All Cell Detail are selected.

After clicking on Copy, select the target Scenario and Year. Note that the copy function does not support individual periods.

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BudgetV6 now appears in the Scenario dropdown:

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BudgetV6 is now populated:

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Administration Tasks

As noted previously, this Solution purposely does not respect Workflow or other data and metadata security assignments. It is therefore imperative that access to the Solution dashboard be tightly controlled.

There are two versions of this solution: Standard and User. The User version cannot copy or clear data; it can export data to Excel.


Text and Cell Detail data can be exported, copied, or cleared.

An export queries the OneStream data tables and retrieves text and cell detail data into the dashboard’s TableView.

Within a Cube, data can be copied from and to a source Scenario and Period (singly or for a full year).

Data can be cleared by Scenario and Period (singly or for a full year).


Data can be exported. It cannot be copied or cleared.

An export queries the OneStream data tables and retrieves text and cell detail data into the dashboard’s TableView.


Once installed, there are no settings.

Data Structures

This Solution uses three tables: BDA_FW_Solution_Keys, BDA_FW_Task_EditHistory, and BDA_FW_Task_Status.


Solution key(s) for the relevant BDA Solutions.

Sample Data

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Table Schema

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Tasks in Task Editor with 10 generations of audit.

Sample Data

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Table Schema

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Tracks completed task status when feature is in use

Sample Data

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Task Schema

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